

Gunner shakes his head, a very faint grin forming. "I'd hardly say it's difficult to deal with you, Bree."

Each moment that passed, Gunner felt a little more lucid. The more lucid he felt, the more he realized he did not want to be here, or take the medications they were giving him. He didn't want to feel so out of it anymore. It was a horrid feeling. But staying calm would only work for so long. Eventually, they'd give him a dose just because. He sees the nurse again, then glances to teh clock on the wall.

"Almost time to see the shrink and discuss..." He blinks, his mind having gone totally blank. He hated that. "...um.... paint splotches. And word... relations."

He sighs. "And I thought Hope was bad. This is like right after the accident all over again... minus the freaky nurse."

Gunner crumples up the empty wrapper and finishes the rest of his orange juice. He still looked at Bree skeptically though. "You told me why you wanted to be here but-"

"Okay, Brent, time for your visit with the nice doctor." Marge smiles sweetly down at him. "You'll have to say goodbye to Bree for now."

Gunner gives a little smirk. He was just beginning to feel halfway normal, and it was starting all over again. Standing, he still looks to Bree, determined to figure this out before the other nurse dragged him away. "You didn't say why you were here.... like this." He gestures to her nursing garb. He still didn't know that she had taken a position here.

"Gah!" Clint throws up his hands as Wendy gets a strike. "That is so not fair!"

Jason laughs, his arms still around Katie, as he rocks her a little, now hugging her more than restraining her. "I hate to admit it guys, but the girls might just have us beat."

I guess there are worse things than being beat by you.
Laughter bubbles through the emotions.

Hearing Dan's suggestion, Jade continues to wail. "Not the garbage can! Yes, it's too cold outside. Put me down!"

Finally released to slide down to her feet once again, Jade tries to catch her breath, looking up into Dan's eyes. A smile is pasted on her lips. "Thank you, sir. Though I must admit I'm a little disappointed you didn't go for the consequences of not putting me down."

Something sparks in Jason's emotions as he overhears the flirtatious comment. Was it fear? No... almost a desire not to be irresponsible. He lets it slip, forgetting Katie would feel it.

Giving her a little squeeze, he steps away from her, strolling over to Dan and Jade casually. Leaning down to Jade's ear level, he whispers, but it'd loud enough for Dan to hear. "Do I have to get another ice cube?"

Jade shoots him a glare. "Your timing is always so perfect. I'm surprised TJY didn't hire you for a clock rather than a fieldman."

Jason grins and straightens back up. "Clint, your cousin just insulted me. What are you gonna do about it?"

"Who me?" Clint's eyes widen. "I think I'd like to just stand back and laugh, actually."

"You would." Jason smirks, turning back around. "Are we gonna finish this game or what? Don't forget papa bear is watching the clock."

Kyle sits behind the wheel of Alice's jeep, driving slowly down the unfamiliar streets. He had talked with Alice all day, still undecided, but leaning towards trying out with the band. If they weren't good enough, they'd be turned down and that would be that. If they were good enough... things would change rather quickly.

He had been reaching for his phone just an hour before to call Erik, when it had rung - and it had been Erik, inviting both Kyle and Alice over to his family's house to eat a pizza supper with the band. It hadn't taken much convincing and Kyle had jotted down the address.

Now he'd already gotten lost once, but figured he was back on track. These streets though, just didn't look right. He glances over to Alice. "This is gonna look real good - me showing up late like this..." He had ten minutes left though... surely he wasn't lost again.

He looks out the windows at the houses. "This can't be right." They had reached the far side of town where the houses were elegant with rolling lawns, iron fences and manicured bushes. Erik had said his family was well-off, but this had to be wrong.

"I'm gonna have to call him." Kyle rolls his eyes. "I was sure this was Westside Drive though."

Then he suddenly sees the house number he's looking for. "Oh, oh, there it is." He points excitedly, pulling just into the driveway then stopping. He blinks. "Ohh... this just can't be right." He looks at Alice uneasily, then back up the long.... long.... long driveway. The iron gates were open. The lawn trimmed perfectly, even for the late time of year. The trees were all turning for autumn, but there were no fallen leaves on the yard. It was too cold for the fountain to be on, but it stood proudly in the center of the circle drive. And the house was huge.

Kyle blinks again. "Um..." He then spots a familiar car closer to the house. It was one he'd seen the other day at the rec hall. He turns to look at Alice again. "No way."

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