

Alice did all she could to keep Kyle calm knowing his nerves were running high. She could help but feel the same way herself. This was something new and exciting that was happing to Kyle but it was happing to her as well, and would change both there lifes.

"No no, this is the right street I was paying attachen this time and I am sue they will understand if we are late. Its not like we travil these roads every day."

She throws a sidelong glance at Kyle Alice gives a big smile just trying to lighten the mood in the car and calm the nerves.

Looking out the window at all the houses that pass by Alice cant help but start to wonder herself if many they were lost. Looking to Kyle again one of the houses catchs her attachen the bushs turned into different animals.

"OMG, Look at the topiary on that house."

Erik has said he was well off, not rich and to live in a house likes this, you had to have alot of money. Alice had never seen houses or yards so big before and kept in such good condition. It almost seemed so breath taking.

Leaning over Kyle a little to look out the window at the house they stoped at that was Erik's Alice is very quiet for a long moment her mouth seeming to hang open.

"This...is unbelievable."

Turning her head to look at Kyle Alice gives him a big kiss on the lips her excitement bubbling again.

"Maybe we are in the wrong place..."

But seeing the car she new they were in the right spot. It just seemed so hard to believe that this was really happening.

"Well...I guess we better get to the door before we really are late? But I have to addmit I am not even part of the band and I feel a little intimated. Excited but a little intimated none the less."

Standing Bree looks to the nurse and gives her a small nod. They all new she worked here, and if they new why she didn't know but she highly doubted it. Giving a gentil pat to Gunner's shoulder Bree smiles down at him offering to help him up.

"I work here now, well at least for a little while. We all need friends in high places sometimes, and I'll be darned if they make you worse than you are."

Looking over to Marge Bree gives a small nod.

"He's doing good today Marge, eat his breakfast, and is calm. Don't aggravate him and I am sure he will keep his vampire side at bay."

Looking back to Gunner Bree's eyes smiles as her lips did not the twinkle in them hoping to bring hope. She would be here for about another hour but Gunner would still be in his session so she wouldnt see him again till that night.

"Remember what I said ok and I will see you tonight."

Feeling the change in Jason's emotions Kate cant help but question them for a moment before regaining her own self. Jade really didnt know Dan and she was flirting with him pretty bad. If anything happen it would be all there head's Mick would have and thats the last thing she wanted.

Seeing Jason, and hearing his words Dan can pick up on the tone of his voice and knows he better back off. Taking a few steps back he holds out his hand to Jade, though he wouldnt have kissed her he was thankful for Jason's interruption.

"I think Jason's timing was just right, or we would never get this game done with."

Glancing down at his watch and that back up at the gang she gives a smile.

"We have an hour left. Lets get this game over with so no one was wonder would would of won."

Katie looks around the room at all her friends before giving Wendy a high five after she strike as a job well done. That had put them into the lead now.

Looking over to Jade and giving a smile Katie nods.

"Your up Jade..."

Dan gives a smile and a thumbs up to Jade.

"You can shoot better than I can, come on and kick there butts."

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