

Watching the nurse out of the corner of her eye Bree was happy that she just passed by now as Gunner played off the meds still in his system. Thinks about Gunner's question for a long moment before replying.

"Becuase I like you, and I dont think there is anything wrong with you. I...dont have any friends and when I finally get one, I'd rather not lose him or change who he is only how he handles things."

Giving Gunner a smile and a small nod Bree's eyes give a small sparkle as her smile fades to show she really was still smiling.

"Friendship and Family mean alot to me, both are things I lack. So I hold on to what I can get and hope they can deal with who I am."

Wrapping her arms around Jason as he leaned over her shoulder Katie gives a gentil sigh.

I think I like it better this way too.

Leaning back to give Jason a kiss Katie just smiles before looking back at the other again. Shaking her head and laughing at Dan and glad to see the smile on Wendy and Clint's face.

Taking the wall from Clint Wendy gives a giggle before leaning into him and giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Yeah you got your hands full alright."

Setting up the ball and moving down the lain a little Wendy draws the ball back and than forward agian letting it go down the lain. As the ball hits the pins and knocks them all down Wendy gives out a little shreak and goes back to Clint giving him a smile.

"Boya baby..."

Moving around in a circle a few times Dan's laughter is strong feeling Jade's fists on his back.

"Lets see, I could throw her in the garbage can, but she is far from trash, I could throw her outside but its to cold there...mmm.."

Just standing still for a long moment Dan it about to speak again but stops dead as Jade mentions the kiss attack again. Moving twords the set of chairs Dan Lets Jade slide onto them so she is standing in front of him. Not meaning to be in the position they were in they are inchs from each others face as Dan breaks deep from laughing so much. Dan's eyes twinkle just a little.

"There you go my lady, safe and sound on the ground once again."

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