

Leo is pacing the hall back and forth, back and forth. But no one seemed to know what was going on inside the room, or at least they weren't willing to tell him what it was if they did. He might have broken up with Ryan, but that didn't mean he wouldn't worry about her. Just because he was upset, didn't mean he wanted her to die.

Finally, two of the doctors emerge and Leo stops his pacing. Looking at Amanda, he hears her explanation, his heart sinking. He looks to JT as if hoping for another outcome, but JT only shakes his head grimly.

Leo swallows hard and glances back to Amanda. "Um... no... Axel found a number of her brother in Florida but he had to leave a message and hasn't heard back. And... I think she has another brother in jail somewhere."

JT runs a hand over his face and exchanges a look with Amanda. "Keep trying, Leo. Right now that's Ryan's only hope."

"How...how long does she have?"

JT purses his lips. "Not long. Every second counts now."

Leo's mind races. He had to talk to Axel again to see where he'd called. And he had to... do... something, anything. He didn't know what, but he had to figure this out. Spinning on his heel, he takes off down the hall, skidding around the corner.

JT sighs as he watches him go. "I don't know about this one... when family can't be found right off the bat, lots of times we can't find them at all." He glances to Amanda. "I'm supposed to be going home, but if you want me to stick around for a while longer, I can."

"So why'd you ditch the cowboy?" Jade gives Mick an inquisitive look as they ride slowly back to the ranch.

Mick raises his eyebrows. "What? I wanted to ride with you."

"There was something else behind your eyes," Jade persists. "What was it?"

"Nothing." Mick laughs. "Can't I go riding with my daughter?"

"Without your own saddle? Leaving BJ with Dan?"

Mick shrugs. "Lapse in judgment? I don't know. Let's just get back, shall we?"

Jade smirks a little, but lets it drop. "Are any of the bunks open?"

"Yeah, but you can stay in the house with us if you like."

A smile comes to Jade's lips. "That sounds even better."

Getting back to the ranch, they're far later than Dan and BJ, and meet them in the barn where Mick hands the horse back off to Dan, and goes to get the apples where BJ can help him again. Jade wanders into the barn with the mare to crosstie her and unsaddle.

"Thanks for riding out with me," she mentions to Dan, looking down the aisle to him. "I would have gone for another race back, but apparently my Dad decided to have some weird bee in his bonnet, er, hat." She laughs as she finishes untacking, hefting the saddle back into the tack room. Just as she's stepping inside, the cinch slips down to drag on the floor and she doesn't see it. Accidentally walking on it, the saddle stops short but she doesn't. Stumbling forward, the saddle gets dropped and she reaches out to the doorframe quickly to keep from falling. The movement is too fast though, and she winds up hitting a splinter of wood, slicing the palm of her hand. She lets out a little cry and grabs her hand as a bit of blood trickles down. "Of all the..." She groans at her own clumsiness. "Oh that was good."

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