

Looking over the one stall he had started cleaning out Dan gives a smile leaning on the shovel. He had, had a nice time today. It certinly was a while since the last time he smiled like he did today. Even the ride back with BJ singing at the top of his lungs was fun. Dan liked kids and would watch BJ anytime he was asked to.

"Maybe your dad just wanted to spend time with you? Anyways I liked BJ he's a good kid so I didnt mind."

Turning to go back to his work Dan jumps hearing the loud noise and than Jade's cry for a moment Dan is thrown back in time to a horribl car crash. The screams, the glass, the smell of blood. It was the worst day of lift when not only had he lose freedom, but he also lost something more prescuse and dear to him. Compared to that jail had been a cake walk.

Giving a shake of his head Dan brings him back to this time and day. That had been a long time ago, he had changed his life, and found a stronger power to help him, he needed to keep it together no matter how much the past haunted him sometimes.

Grabbing the first aid kit quickly Dan jumps over the small lip in the stall and it by Jade's side. Gently taking her hand and giving a grin.

"Here, let me take a look. Have to make sure there is nothing in there before we clean and bandage it."

Letting out a long sigh as she watches Leo leave Amanda shakes her head a sad look in her eyes. Time was running out for one young woman and she could only lift up a quick prayer that if this was God's will Ryan would not suffer.

Turning back to JT again Amanda gives a small smile giving a shake of her head.

"I should be ok for now. You go home and get some sleep JT. You have had a long night."

Letting out a small sigh Amanda contiues.

"I'll be here all day to keep in case something happens. If you wanna stop back a little bit before your normal shift maybe we can go and grab a cup of coffee and go over Ryan's charts. I'd like to have another Dr. on this one with me to help. Its just with this case its so touchy."

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