
You won't hear

"You can say that again." Gunner stands up, needing no prompting, and waits for Hope to follow him out of the room. Seeing Reese in the hall, he just smiles at him as if everything were perfectly fine. Reese was not amused, but says nothing, seeing that apparently, he and Hope were going somewhere else. He didn't have a problem with that.

Gunner ambles out through the main floor, giving a wave to Nate on his way. He holds the doors open for Hope, and is quiet for the short elevator ride and the walk to the outdoors. It was a nice day. It was warm enough one didn't need a jacket, but a nice breeze brought a relief of fresh air.

Wandering across the lot to the sidewalk, Gunner leads the way with casual confidence, in no hurry, but not dragging his feet either. The park is a few blocks down and they cover it quickly. Once reaching the peaceful setting, it's obvious Gunner has spent time here, as he knows right where his favorite spot is. He doesn't choose the benches like he'd mentioned, but instead, heads for the pond. In one corner are large rocks that protrude out into the shallow water. Warmed in the sun, they just escape the shadows that the large oak trees spread on the ground.

Stepping out onto the flat surface of one rock, Gunner lowers himself down to lean back against another rock, sitting Indian style. "Welcome to my office," he teases wryly.

Digging in his pocket, he fishes out a stick of gum to chew, then looks to Hope, squinting a little in the sun. "Alright, counselor. You got a passion for listening, so... listen."

He cocks his head, just looking her in the eye. The water gurgled around the rocks. A crow called out high in the tree. A squirrel chattered somewhere nearby. A loud truck drove down the nearby street. A dog barked. Ducks in the pond quacked and splashed as they hunted for food. The breeze rustled the trees and shrubbery.

Gunner's voice finally breaks in. "I don't know what more you're expecting to hear. My soul's already been shattered into a million pieces so you won't hear it fall apart now. All you'll hear is the pieces clinking together as I keep trying to glue them back together. You won't hear me cry because the river has already overflowed its banks then receded. You won't hear me beg for help because I've already seen this is a journey I have to walk alone and I'm okay with that. You won't hear me ask for understanding because so far I've found no one who does understand what drives me. And you won't hear me complain..." A faint spark lights his eye. "...because I wouldn't want to miss out on free time away from the office."

He holds out his pack of cinnamon gum, offering her a piece.

Jay gives Katie a big hug in return, kissing the top of her head, then giving her an extra squeeze. "It's good to see you too... I hate being so far apart."

He sighs a little. "Oh, things back home are alright. Hearing about Jeff, I decided I should come."

Cocking his head, he tries to study her face. He knew that she and Jeff were close. "You look tired... you holding up okay?"

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