
Enjoy Myself

Katie eyes held a tired look in them, and were sunken in just a little still holding there gloss from the tears that were held back. Her night had been long, filled with little to no sleep. Most of the time spent at Jeff's side just letting him know she was there only to leave for a drink or a potty break.

Looking up at Jay sits down next to her Katie gives a small smile. It was good to see him and it had been a long time maybe to long from the last. Giving her dad a stong hug and a kiss on the cheek, Katie just holds him for a long moment.

"Hey Dad, its really good to see you. How's everyone back at the house doing?"

Giving a smile as Gunner enters the room Hope gives a nod as well. Though no one could tell she couldnt help but feel a little nervous. Not nervous of Gunner, or that he would harm her, but nervous because this was different. It was out of the box, and out of her norm. She had to get comfortable and use to things a different way all over again.

"Its good to see you again as well Gunner. Oh I don't mind, it gives me something to do with all the free time I have now."

Once Gunner was done talking Hope cant help but give a small laugh. Not at him, but just at the thought that he really didn't know her methods and must have been through the ruteen before.

"Actually, I didn't have any questions to ask you, not ones you would think I did anyways and most of your story I already new from your folder."

Hope lets out a small sigh for a moment as she thinks. She new that things would be different with Gunner. He was to smart for his own good and this was going to be a challenge but maybe it would be good for both of them.

"Well Gunner, first off I am not parcel to playing to many games with I am trying to work so we can cut those out, and as for trying to fix you, well I can say I dont plan on trying I just plan on doing but well I'm not the one who does the fixing, just the one who listens."

Shifting in her seat for a moment Hope contemplates Gunner's question about maybe going to the park to sit. It was a nice day out, and she was uncomfortable in this room that wasn't even close to her own. Maybe outside would be good.

"When I work, I do enjoy myself. Listening is a passion that unfortunately not many people have. Lets take a walk to the park, its a nice day out today and is better than this stuffy room."

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