

Giving a nod and a small smile Katie looks up at her dad. She new she probley looked like crap right now, but she didnt really mind to much. This was the country and no matter how you tryed to get your hair to stay the wind would blow it every witch way.

"Yeah I am happy you did come. Jeff should be able to see his family a lot right now. I know its what he wants."

Giving a heavy sigh Katie straightens a little as she thinks about Jay's question for a long moment. She didnt want to lie to her dad, but she didnt want to make him worry. But than again eather way he was going to worry and she new from the expression on her own face told the whole story.

"I'm...something. Its not bad, but its not good eather. I think its somewhere in the middle leaning twords bad, but i am trying to hold onto the good."

Katie looks up at Jay again giving a smile and standing she stretches reaching her arms to the sky before putting her hands in the front pocket of her over sized hoody that at one time belonged to Jason.

"I'll be ok though. Some how, some way I will be ok. So dont worry about me alright? Just focus on Jeff for now. He needs it more."

Linking her arm with her dad's arm Katie leads him to the door trying to make the mood a little brighter.

"Lets go let everyone know your here ok?"

Walking with Gunner Hope stays quick with her hands in her light jacket buttoned as she walked. There was starting to get a chill in the air, not enough to say winter was coming but enough to say summer was coming to an end as the sun still shone not ready to give into the winter yet eather.

Following Gunner to the rock Hope takes a seat on the edge not to close to Gunner, but not to far away that she couldn't hear him. Her feet dangling over the edge only coming inches from the water. Leaning back on her own hands Hope takes a deep breath.

As the quiet takes over Hope just listens to all the sounds taking them in and enjoying them all. Each one saying something different, each one taking there turn talking. Hearing Gunner talk again Hope looks at Gunner and gives a small smile. She could tell Gunner had been to others before her just by how he tryed to guess what she wanted or was going to ask. He been though many who thought he was crazy, but he was now meeting someone different. Hope was much different.

"I don't expect to hear anymore from you Gunner, and I wont ask you to beg me for help eather because that's just not your style."

Hope gives a soft understanding smile to Gunner. The words she spoke were only the truth and were from her heart. Not to persuade him, or try to get him to change his mind, just simply her own thoughts on the matter for him to think about.

"As for walking alone, thats only a choose you can make but I would want to reconsider because sometimes its nice to have a friend along. Maybe not for the broken hearts road, but for another reason. Just to get you to smile, or to share a laught. Maybe even to share a freak out. Not every two people are the same as the last you just met, one might not understand while that one person you pass by does."

Looking away for a moment Hope draws silent as her eyes roam the waters herizon watching a group of ducks on the water prattling by. As a small breeze blows Hope looks back to Gunner again as the wind blows her hair across her face.

"I don't think I'd complain ether, its to nice here to pass up the enjoyment."

Reaching for a peace of gum Hope takes one giving a nod and popping it into her mouth.

"Thanks Gunner."

Coming into the infermary Misty quickly throws her jacket on her chair as she holds a small wrapped package. Quickly making her way over to Rick she places the package gentily down on the desk.

"Rick, Angel sent the new sample overnight shipping. I just picked it up from the post, and here it is."

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