

Continuing to listen to Mick Dan walks just nodding her head here and there. He couldnt help but he a little disappointed in hearing Katie had someone but he was happy for her, and hoped Jason would come to his senses and come to Katie. She was something special that much Dan could tell.

"I hope Jason knows what he has. Katie is a nice, pretty girl who would great catch for anyone."

Getting into the truck and putting his seat belt on Dan stops for a moment an almost glazed look in his eyes as Mick asks him about a woman in his life. Soon the look was gone as Dan turns his head to Mick and gives a half grin.

"Nah, no woman for me. Someday the right woman will come along for me again. At the moment I dont much mind being a batchler. So where is this hay we need to get?"

Receiving Jason's sympathy makes Katie feel a little better. Maybe thats what she needed, just for him to show he cared a little more. And knowing he was going to at least try made Katie feel good inside knowing he cared.

"Ok, at least you said your going to try. Thank you!"

Katie lets out a long sigh and gives a nod of her head even though Jason couldnt see her.

"I love you to Jason, More than anything in the world. I'll hang as much as I can till you get here. Hope to see you again J."

"You owe me 300.00 you know Ryan."

Ryan looks over the roof of her car as the larder man who stood with 3 other of his friends. She new who the man was and why he was here, but the amount of money he wanted was more than she had told him.

"I dont owe you 300.00 I owe you 150.00"

"Dont give me that and try to get out of it. You and Leo arnt together anymore fair and squair you owe me 300.00."

Coming around to the other side of her car Ryan keeps her arms folded across her chest. She held her ground. Really she was in no mood for games, let alone ones that involved Leo.

"I told your Roth the moment I started falling for Leo the bet was off and I meant it. I was wrong for what I did and I wanted to keep the happyness I found. Its over now, but I still ment it the bet was off. You get 150.00 after the race."

"I want the money now, all of it there is no backing out Ryan. Don't be stupid just give it to me."

"I said afterwords Roth, 150.00 after words. Now go bother some of your other friends before I lose my cool."

Turning her back to Roth Ryan reaches to open for her car door. The race was going to start and she had no time for this.

What happened in the next few moments was so fast. A gun was drawn, a temper flaired. Shots rung out, people panicked and screamed. Money was take and people fled. In what seemed like the blink of an eye all was quiet and the only remint left of a deal gone wrong was the bloody heap of a body next to Ryan's car, the breaths taken were short, the palus slow, and the crimson blood stain on the chest growing bigger as it soaked through her shirt.

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