

Putting on her gloves before the race Ryan makes her way through everyone. It had been a long afternoon with three races down already and her pockets full. Out on the track her mind was free and it was a great place to forget about everything. If it hadnt been for that reason she would of called it quits a race back and went home with what she had already.

Passing by the small group Ryan can't help but hear Leo's name stopping for a moment to hear what was being said. Ryan wasnt nosie but with everything going on she couldnt help but think it had something to do with it.

Hearing what was being said about the person she still did in fact care for Ryan cant feel a small burn form as she cant help but speak up.

"Leo has more brains than you guys ever will, he let go when he new it was best for him. That take more guts than this here..."

Ryan waves her hand to the race track.

"...ever will take. If I could go back and change what I did, I would so I could hold onto Leo a little long. Money, who cares about money. When it comes to the heart thats worth more than diamonds or pearls ever will."

Ryan shakes her head as she trys to calm herself down. She wasnt even sure why she was saying all this. These guys were just going to laugh when she walked away anyways.

"Dont you guys have better things to do than but into other people's business. Just watch the race."

Finishing putting her gloves on Ryan shakes her head again and makes her way to her car. Another half houre and the race would start. It would give her enough time to show off her car, and get some money in for the bet.

Following behind Mike Dan trys to process his comment as he hasnt said anything more on it. Life line...what did that mean? Just staying quiet for now Dan listens to Mick. Well if Jason was Katie's boyfriend and hadnt come to see her he could understand why she was upset. He'd be pretty upset too.

"If they are that close though...oh never mind its non of my never mind anyways."

Dan lets out a long sigh as he got into Mick's truck. He liked Katie, she was nice, seemed fun and was extremely pretty he hated seeing her so sad.

"I hope things work out for her."

Seeing her phone ring Katie puts it up and answers it. Her position was still in the grass where she was sat earlier as she leaned back just looking up at the clouds in the sky that passed up. Her mind raced but she was trying to come to conclusions, and figure things out.

Hearing Jason's voice Katie hadnt exspected him to call her back so fast. But hearing that voice was nice, it was water to a thirst soul even if she didnt know what he was going to say yet.

Listing to Jason Katie wanted to say so much back, like she wasnt asuming anything, and she didnt think anything but that would be a lie. Jason felt he needed to get this off his chest, than he needed to and make this was the best sorry she was going to get but she would take it.

"I miss you alot too J, and well I've been going through some changes with myself..."

Katie thinks for a long moment. She was ready to go back but she couldnt not now with Jeff.

"...J I found out Jeff is really my father. Its confusing I know but I cant explain more because I dont know more right now. But he only has a few days left to live. I cant leave now. See if Reese will let you come back out to see me for a day or two so we can talk? I could use the company"

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