
My Mom

"Take a jump from that bridge and you will face a fate worse than whats your dealing with now. There is no mercy for those who take there life playing God for the day. Accidents happen, horrable as it was, it was still an accident and you never meant for what happened to happen. For that reason you have been shown mercy already even if you don't feel like you should have it."

Hope takes a sip of her tea as she thinks for a long moment not really saying anything. She could never imagine how Gunner felt.

"You want to talk about it? Sometimes that helps! I wasnt really tired anyways. I think I might even have some mens clothing that might fit you and I can dry those."

Holding Jeff's hand Katie gives a small smile even if it couldnt be seen in the dark. Her Dad was going to be ok he really was.

"Yes, your ok again. Rick found out what happened, and found a cure."

Giving Jeff's hand a gentil squeeze Katie is silent for a moment.

"Dad, what....what was my mom like? If..if you wanna talk about this later we can I just thinking a lot about it."

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