

And though night had come many people's minds were far from rest. The findings and events from the day weaghed heavy, leaving some to wonder what would happen next.

In a jeep parked outside a small light was on, the figured that had slept there many times before becoming use to it. But tonight sleep was far from her mind as Alice's paper layed in her lap and her hands folded on top.

"Lord, if this is the path you want Kyle to take give him the courage, and strength to do so. He has so much going for him that he cant even see. Just show him the path a little more clearly."

More prayers went up as the time dragged on. But as the minutes ticked Alice didn't mind. Her quiet time was always nice and helped her stay at peace.

Sitting in a chair across the quiet room Katie nods in and out of sleep. Her nerves were shot, her emotions ran wild with so many thing but now as they started to calm sleep was sinking in, and Katie was exhausted. Jason was sure to be fast asleep by now a few bunks down and just knowing he was near helped her be even more at peace.

Thinking her hears her name Katie sits up a little straighter just waiting wondering if she would hear it again or if it was just her mind from her groggy state. Hearing it again and knowing it was Jeff's Katie stands making her way over to his bed sitting down once more on the edge.

"I'm here Dad, are you ok?"

Sitting in the living room her cup of tea almost gone and Hope could feel herself starting to get a little sleepy. Standing to go into the kitchen Hope hears the door and stops. Looking at the wall clock she takes note to the time. It was late and she was a bit hesitant to answer the door but people never came to her house this late it could be an emergency.

Opening the door and seeing Gunner standing there Hope is taking back for a moment but recovers quickly. Hearing his words and seeing the look in his eyes Hope new, it was not time.

"Gunner, come in come in out of the cold before you catch a chill."

Ushering him into the house Hope directs him to the kitchen where she sits him down before disappearing and than coming back with a towel to wrap around him and he could use to dry himself off a little.

Going to the stove where the tea pot was still hot she makes up a cup of tea for Gunner, and than another for herself bringing it to him and giving a smile.

"Drink this so you dont get sick."

Taking her own cup in hand Hope goes back to the table and sits down as well. She wanted to ask what was wrong but she would wait for a moment.

"You know that makes sence. Sometimes people say I am a bridge. Bring them from one place, to the next. Its just a differnt aspect."

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