
Back in town

Looking up at Gage as Sapphire hears the soft tap on the door she gives a a smile. Knowing the Gage wasn't feeling to well Sapphire wouldn't stay out to long so he could come back. She just wanted to at least get him out for a little bit.

Standing Sapphire smile and gives a nod making her way to the exit. Slowing her speed a little to match Gage's so she doesn't walk away without him.

"I was going to Mom and Pop's but I thought maybe a bit of a scene change would be good so instead there is a Cafe across town I like as well I though we could go to."

Pulling away from her brother again Rosetta gives a soft nod. She hurt, she ached for her brother but right now being sad in front of him would not help. She had to strong as long as she could until she was alone, or with Mick to let her tears come.

"Apple juice, that I can do. I just did some shopping the other day so your in luck. You get the first glass out of the container too."

Turning to the fridge Rosetta reaches in for the apple juice and than for a glass, calling over her shoulder.

"Katie has been having a pretty hard time. I think she will be happy to see you though. Your right to it would probably be best if you told her, not that if you didn't she wouldn't be able to tell. Sometimes I think she can see right through people when I wish she wouldn't do she wouldn't get hurt."

Turning back around Rosetta hands Jeff the glass of juice. She was worryed about her neice but knows she had to work through it on her own. Until she wanted help there would be no point in offering.

Pulling up outside of the small restraint Sapphire turns the car off and gives a small smile to Gage before exiting the car. It had been a quiet ride here, and Sapphire did most of the talking but she trying to at least keep the conversation enjoyable for him.

Stepping up on the sidewalk Sapphire takes a moment turning waiting for Gage before continuing on into the restraint making sure to keep him close not knowing how busy it was. She her eyes rome the room for a place to sit they fall on to familure figures on the other side of the room. A smile spreads on her face. Turning to Gage again she gives a smile and points.

"Lets go say Hi to Jason, and his friend Camryn first before we sit ok? I promise it wont be long."

Making her way over to the small table with Gage, Sapphire dosnt even really think it strange that Jason was with Camryn. Who he spent him with with was non of her business.

"Hey Hotshot, Hey Camryn I didnt know you were back in town. How ya been?"

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