
Phone Book

Shifting and giving a small smile to Jason Katie nods.

Thank you J.

Turning Katie makes her way back into the infermary. Her heart raced as she drew closer to her Uncle. He looked so small in the bed and it made her heart hurt. Katie had always been close to Jeff, and now it was sad to see him so weak.

Taking Jeff's hand gentily in her own Katie sits on the edge of the bed and runs a tumb over his hand.

"Oh Uncle Jeff...what happend."

Katie let out a sigh as a tear ran down her face.

"You have to be ok. You have to be."

Looking up as the wrench clattered to the floor Ryan looked up from where the engine to the car she was working on should of been. Listing just a little Ryan shakes her head. Axel's hand had been getting worse and she felt so bad for him but there was nothing she could do. The only that seemed to work was Jess' rubbing.

Seeing Leo start to walk by again Ryan looks up once more catching his eye. Giving a sideways smile she whispers and points to herself with her tool.

"You, me lunch half hour."

A frustrated slam comes from inside Dalton and Scott's office as a phone book was thrown at the wall with force.

"Come on come on where did I put it."

Continuing to look through his desk Dalton grew even more frustrated. The paper with the phone number was around here some where he new it.

Opening his desk draw a small peace of note paper stairs at him. Rolling his eyes the big man felt stupid and pulls it out.

Dialing the number Dalton couldnt help but feel a bit nervouse but is almost saddened when he gets Dan's voice mail.

"Hi Dani its Dalton. Sorry I didnt call sooner I lost your number. Yeah yeah I know thats what most guys say, but I have a phone book here who had a meeting with the wall that can say I really did. Anyways I was wondering if tomorrow you would like to go for that walk. I have off. Well just...call me back. Bye."

Hanging up the phone Dalton cant help but lean back in his chair a small smile on his face as he thinks about his lunch the day before.

Looking down at her husband Charlotte's lips turn up in a small grin as she talks into the mic.

"They could only be so lucky. You know I only have eyes for you."

Giving a small wave and a kiss into the air Charlotte's smile grows.

"Be safe out there and you get a nice long kiss."

Leaning into Mick slightly Rosetta always welcomed his comfort though this visit seemed to hold something differnt. Simply just by Mick's body language alone told her so. Rosetta couldnt help but prepair herself for the worst.

Hearing about Jeff a few tears spring into her eyes. Her brother, no why...why again? Turning to look at Mick Rosetta trys to blink away her tears.

"Do..they know whats wrong? Is it the same as before or...it couldnt be because when we took the chip out he was ok...I..."

Falling into Mick's arms a silent sobs comes forth. She was told old for this, this continue battle.

"Mick...whats happening to our family!"

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