

A smile still on her face as she panted for air Ryan looks out the open door at Alec just studying him for a moment. It was a mean thing she had done taking him for a spin when she new he had one to many to drink but she couldnt help it. The day was nice, and she never turned down the chance to show off to someone.

Feeling bad for a moment Ryan could guess Alec had no where to go let alone even be able to think straght at the moment.

Moving stepping on the gas slightly Ryan moves the the car along side Alec the passanger side door open still. Leaning over a little she gives a small taunting smile.

"So I scared you that much that you dont even want a ride back into town. I figured you were tougher than that. I could even throw in some free coffee for you!"

Staning Thirteen grabs a few tissue from the box by the bed and shoves them into her pocket before hurrying out of the door and down the hall with Ryder.

Getting to the front door Thirteen watches as Ryder exits. Slowly peeking her head out the door she looks left, and than looks right making sure everything was clean before exiting and running after Ryder.

The ride to the hospetil goes fairly smooth as Thirteen keeps her eyes on the road. Though she cant help once and a while grabing the door handle and digging her finger in. After a little while she leaned her head back against the head rest and closed her eyes trying to keep her mind clean and thinking of good things. She couldnt freak yet, not now.

Finally getting to the hospetil Thirteen opens her eyes and sits up figgating for a moment before looking to Ryder and givinig a small nod. There was hope in her eyes that she could get through this and be ok.

"Yeah I...I think I am ready? Its safe here right people wont ask me questions?"

Opening the car door and getting out Thirteen makes her way over to Ryder right as an ambulince pulls into the parking lot its syron blairing. Jumping Thirteen's eyes wildly go around the parking lot as she backs herself up to the car.

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