
Finding a place

Alec looks up from the floor, quirking one eyebrow at Ryan. "Eth'r I'm r'lly short or you....re r'lly tall." He shakes his head. "They make'm t'll'r evry day."

Groping for the barstool, somehow he manages to pull himself up to his feet, though he wobbles a bit. "Not wanted anywhere," he mutters, downing the last few drops of his beer. "Lady, you're right." He nods, then sways a little. "Eith'r I get blowed up h-here. Or I get blowed up out th're. I m'ght s'well go out in a...a... a blaze!" He stops, thinking that that isn't quite right, then remembers the rest. "Of glory."

Stumbling out the door, he manages to make it to the sidewalk, then stands dumbly, looking one way, then the other. Despite his drunken state, any part of him that had any sense left, realized that he really did have no where to go. He'd escaped the Elite, finally, called up help from the Agency, was told to meet them across town, and he was met with two hitmen who were paid to kill him. He'd figured out that the Agency must think him now a threat since he'd been with the Elite so long... and he knew that there would be no convincing them otherwise. Suddenly there was no hope. His last glimmer of light was gone. And now he was broke too.

Still standing and wavering just a bit, he squints in the light as his stomach starts to churn. He hadn't had anything to eat all day and it had been a long time since he'd put that much alchohol in himself.

If one passed, they might think he didn't remember where he was, or hadn't a clue where he was headed. They'd be partially right. He was so lost he had no idea whether to go right or left. He knew no one here. He had no friends. He only had enemies.

Seeing Ryan exit the bar as well, he bites his lip and staggers over to her, hie eyes glazed. "You got... sh'rter," he muses, now able to look down into her eyes instead of up from the floor. "You wldn't happ'n to, uh, give a f'lla a ride, would you?" An uncontrolled snicker escapes. "I d'nt even care where you take me!"

Watching Ryder walk away, Reese sighs. Getting up from his desk, he wanders in to Susanne to give her some papers to type up, his eyes still on Ryder and Thirteen disappearing onto the main floor. "What am I gonna do with him?"

Susanne lifts her eyebrows. "You talking to me or yourself?"

"I don't know. I just don't know what to do with that guy. There just doesn't seem to be a niche for him here. I know he's getting frustrated, but... well, we didn't have a position for him when he came to the states. He was filling his role in Australia." Reese shrugs lamely. "There just isn't a place for him to fit into around here and I feel badly but... I don't know what to do about it."

"He seems to be doing well with Thirteen."

"I know." Reese sighs. "She's taken to him and I guess that's good. He said some things today that made me think... I guess I've been hard on the girl 'cause she came from the Agency... but I suppose everyone needs a break eventually. Ryder seems to think she's innocent, so maybe I should trust him. I just don't want him getting too attached. I can't quite tell if he's taken with her, or if he's just a natural caretaker." He shrugs again. "But when this is over, then what? We don't have a line of Thirteen's at the door waiting for Ryder to take care of. He's going to get bored, and he's already testing me. I know he means well, but..."

"You won't fire him will you?"

"Oh no, no," Reese assures quickly. "No, he's got a job. It wasn't his fault that the Agency found him out in Australia and he had to leave. "No... there's something for him somewhere... I just don't know where yet."

Susanne nods, feeling badly for both Ryder and Reese. "Well... in the meantime, I haven't gotten Jason called yet. You still want me to ask him what to do with Trooper?"

"Hmm? Yeah... yeah, I know the dog was just doing his job, but biting Hal was inexcusable. Trooper knows better. Jason either needs to come take care of him himself, or have him taken home."

Ryder hooks his hands in his pockets as he and Thirteen walk back towards the hallway. "Well I can't stay in the room with you," he explains gently. "I gotta go home and take care of a cat and see what Laura's doing since she's taking off tomorrow and will be gone for a few days. I heard Katie's awake and I want to go see her at the hospital. Then tonight... You know as well as I do that it's not appropriate for me to stay in your room." He sighs deeply. "Reese wants Trooper out of here, but... if I can get him to let the dog stay, would that be enough?"

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