

Giving a nod, Ryder offers a small smile to Thirteen, encouraging her that he was proud of her bravery. "Alright. Come on."

Back up to the main level and down the hall. Reaching one of the offices. Ryder sets his hand on Thirteen's back, guiding her beside him as they walk, then stop in the doorway. "Dalton?"

He looks in at the big man. "Is there a computer I can use to look over that footage you gave Reese? I have reason to believe Dani Banks was here last night. I need to find out for sure."

Jason has been drifting in and out of sleep, lost in the world he'd been wandering in for the past month. He didn't care about time anymore or what was happening outside of these four walls. It was almost like a dream, but too frightening to be.

His head down and his eyes closed, he automatically turns his face a little, leaning into the soft stroke that he felt. Then the words come. Silent, but the emotions were there, and it was a stronger message this time.

Jason's eyes fly open and his head jerks up to stare at Katie. Her eyes were open. Oh, her eyes were open and seeing him with clarity. The darkness was gone.

"Katie...?" He's almost too afraid to hope that this wasn't a dream. Something between a laugh and a sob catches in his throat and his grip tightens around her hand. Tears fill his eyes.

Oh, Katie... you're back. You're really back.

Moving to sit on the edge of the bed, he reaches down to pull her into a hug, burying his face against her hair as a tear finally escapes.

I have never been so scared in all my life.

Drawing back, he brushes aside her hair with his hand, a smile finally coming. His emotions are going haywire, but they're all good so he doesn't hold them back. Too overcome, he doesn't even realize what her first words to him were.

"Holy cow it's good to see you," he breathes aloud. "Please tell me you're back for good."

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