
No saying no

Jason blinks, really quite unsure as to whether or not Katie was serious about him marrying her. She’d never brought it up before. He’d always figured in the back of his mind that someday… but… well…

He shakes his head a little, clearing his mind. He needn’t let her feel confusion at this point. He’d just wait and see what she said tomorrow, or at least when her own head was a little less foggy.

He grins and can’t help but brush her cheek again. "You look beautiful," he assures.

Sitting back, he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "We were all scared that you... well.. I always knew you were gonna pull through." He squeezes her hand. "I don't know what I would have done without you. You can thank Rick I'm still alive, but... without you, there would have been a whole lot less to live for."

He tries to keep more tears from filling his eyes. He'd been so scared... so very scared.

"Your dad is here... and Rosetta too. She's been back and forth a bit. Doesn't feel like a month has gone by, yet it seems like it's been forever since I've heard your voice."

Jason's thumb rubs her hand absentmindedly, almost as if making sure she was real and he wasn't dreaming. "Lots of people have been here to see you. Carson... Ryder... Scott... they all have come every day. And Reese... well, I think he'll be one happy camper to know you're awake." He chuckles. "There's just too many of us around for you to leave yet."

He realizes that there's one important thing he hadn't mentioned. It could wait, but he really didn't want it to because he'd been waiting oh-so-long to tell her. "But... even if you had...." He cocks his head. "I know I woulda seen you again." His smile is soft and he knows she'll understand. "There was just no saying 'no' to God anymore."

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