
I dont know

Sitting down in front of Scott Hope's hand is still in his. She just watches she he and Rick converse. Just being there absorbing Scott's pain when she needed too. Giving a gently squeeze to his hand she reasures.

"Your not going to jail. Dont you worry about that."

Looking back and Hunter again Alice smiles as she can feel the heat creep up her neck at his comment. The twinkle in her eye showing she was flattered for his comment though she wasnt sure what to say.

Hunter's next question was simple, but to Alice it felt so hard to answer. She wasnt sure how and she felt so confused. She new what she wanted, and she new it was what Seth would of wanted her to do but it was just so hard.

"I don't know Hunter. I honestly dont know if you do or not, because I dont even know where my chanses lay. I kind of feel like a pin ball because bounced in so many differnt direction."

Reaching out Alice give's Hunter's knee a gentil pat and just letting her hand rest there for a moment.

"I'm sorry I cant give you a deffint answer. I know I do have some feelings for Kyle, but I mean if he dosnt return them than...than again I dont even know if I want him to, and you your a great guy. Your nice your sweet and I would love to get to know you more but I just...dont honetly know."

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