

Dalton gives a small nod to Scott. He new that they would leave him in there, and he new Scott would be alone.

"I know its true, they will. But I am gonna stay in here just a little while longer with you. I dont have anything to do right now anyways."

Sitting back in the chair Dalton pulls some cards from his pocket and places it on the table. He wanted to try and get Scott's mind off everything but he didnt even know if he could or not.

Standing behind Carson his eyes narrow. He didnt trust Phinox now no matter what he said. Moving his hand to his own gun Nate snarles. After everything he was in no mood.

"You got some guts showing your face here again tonight, talk quick or I will let Carson shoot you."

Phinox's eyes widen a little as Carson pulls his gun on him. It was than he new they did inface know who he was.

Raising his hands in the air Phinox moved his own hand to his side arm. He was taking a chanse but he wanted to show peace. Drawing it slowly he reaches out and puts it on the desk next to them before bringing his hands up again his heart pounding.

“I do who you are Carson, and I know your not, but Please just listen to me, I can explain. I really was a secret service agent.”

Phinox’s eyes beg for someone to believe him. He knew they had ever right not to but still he wanted them to. To help with this case is really why he had volunteered to come to start with. Helping get Katie out in a safe way and maybe getting himself out as well with all the information one could think of about TJY.

“I was sent on a mission to infiltrate the Agency because over in Spain we have a problem with them as well. It has been going on for some time and finally we had, had enough. Hitting them in the heart, and finding out all we needed to know about them was important and that is where I came in.”

Phinox takes a long breath looking from Nate, to Carson, than back to Nate his eye slowly moving to Carson again. He couldn’t tell but there expressions if they believed him or not but he had to keep going and have them hear what he had to say.

“I was in charge of coming over and getting all the information. I was one of the top best on the Spanish force. A few months later though after losing contact I got wind that the man in charge of my mission was killed and more than likely my case was lost. If they had ever found any information that I had been over here I am sure they assumed I was dead already and just let it go.”

Phinox stops for a moment as his memories take him back to when he had found out Samson had died. He had been a close friend to Phinox and it killed him inside not being able to go home to see him buried. Along with the realization he was suck here.

“I did what I had to do to stay alive. I really can help you find Katie. Please you have to believe me. I can also get you all the information that I collected about the Agency as well. Whatever you do though I need to call my contact with the Agency or they will kill Katie on the spot thinking that I betrayed them. Please, I don’t want that girl to die anymore than you do.”

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