
Just go

Alice cant help the laugh that escapse and the small squeel as she is dragged back outside again. She didnt care that people were looking at them like she was crazy. She rather liked being differnt and getting looks from people.

Ducking under Kyle's arm Alice gets free from his hold. Reaching out and taking his hand she pulls him twords her jeep her face full of color and life for the adventure.

"Ok, we are going to go...to the beach."

Getting in the driverside and shutting the door Alice reaches over and opens the passanger side. Just stairing at him for a long moment Alice finally bends down a little to see his face.

"Well are you coming or not? I would have to have to feel the sand in my feel, and run through the surf alone."

Alice takes in a deep breath of the nice air. It felt good, to just go, it felt nice to have a friend to live life with. A promise she made a long time ago.

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