

Phinox gives a nod as her starts to pase the floor. Everything had to be prefect. This wouldnt be easy and it would be dangerous but Phinox new it had to be done.

"No, I have the meeting in 3 hours. I want to go there myself first and get the lay out of the place so I play things over in my head. The meeting shouldnt be longer than an three hours at the most."

Stopping Phinox looks at Reese giving a thoughtful glance. He was still thinking and playing things though his mind.

"When I come back, the next time they call after I get back we can tell them we will give them Jay and Derek."

Caught in Kyle's eyes for a moment Alice can feel herself almost start to get lost. But as Kyle turns away it breaks and she can feel her cheeks turn a little red.

As Kyle jumps up Alice head snaps to him again. The smile spreading across her face again as a giggle slips out again.

Jumping up again Alice follows after Kyle and dives into the water staying under for a while before finally coming up again next to Kyle. A chill coming off her voice.

"Wow, that is cold. But it feels good."

Splashing water at Kyle Alice laughs lunging at him and knocking them both into the water once again.

Starting to come up a boom can be sounded as colored lights spread across the sky. The color spidering across the sky in differnt colors.

Looking up at the sky this was only the second time Alice had ever seen fire words and her mouth hands open just a little. Backing up a few steps Alice's hand hits Kyle's. Turning to look at him she smiles.


Turning to the sky again Alice smiles as the colors light up Kyle and her face.

"Its so amazing the colors, the patterns, its so pretty."

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