
Cold water

"Special person..." Kyle's eyes narrow slightly, the humor still in his tone. "It doesn't take someone special to come out here and enjoy the sand this time of night - just someone crazy."

He chuckles and turns onto his side to prop himself up on one elbow, still looking at Alice. "Now, someone who can wrap a crazy person around their finger... that's a special person."

Just looking at Alice for several moments, Kyle is suddenly quiet. His smile remains, but for a single instant, it had started to fade before he'd revived it. Rarely could he not look her in the eye, but strangely tonight, he drops his gaze first.

Still grinning, he is suddenly on his feet, sand going everywhere. With the wail of a madman, he's in the water. Not just up to his ankles though. Spinning around, he falls backward into the water with a resounding splash, clothes and all. Coming up for air, he shakes the water from his face. "Wooee... the water is cold!"

Scott doesn't know what to think. He wouldn't have thought that he'd ever help the Agency, but the memory was there. He knew that it probably hadn't surfaced until now because there was such a heavy feeling of guilt attached... he hadn't wanted to remember being a traitor.

He considers Hope's suggestion and his own. Did he want Carson to help him remember? Carson seemed to know the right triggers... and if Scott couldn't remember on his own, maybe he needed that to happen.

Finally, he nods slowly. He would do it if Hope stayed. Right now, she was the only thing that was helping him stay sane. "Okay..." He swallows and licks his dry lips, the taste of blood still there. "Soon... in case... I know something that could help... could help Katie."

Quietly, Rick stands in the doorway. He'd heard just the last bit after having returned from taking Alec to the holding cell. How could Scott really be a traitor? Even now, he was willing to to through a form of torture in case it would help Katie... that didn't seem the mindset of someone who would have folded at the hands of the Agency. Scott had never been trained for field work... being captured had take its toll on him, and he never would be the same. His mind had not been ready for the torture. But he had survived, and Rick wondered if there was an inner strength there that no one had ever seen. What was the real story behind his captivity? What really had happened?

Turning, he walks down the hall and out onto the main floor, finding Carson. Stopping, he realizes that Carson was listening in on the meeting.

Carson glances up and hits the mute button on the phone so he could still hear the conversation, but no one could be interrupted by him or Rick. "Yes?"

Rick sighs deeply. "Hope is in talking to Scott."


"His counselor. He's agreed to having you talk to him again and try to get him to remember."

Carson's eyes widen. "What?"

"Scott says he remembers giving in to the Agency and turning on TJY. Whoever beat him up must have squeezed that much out of him. All he wants now is to get as much information out of himself before the charges are pressed, so he can help TJY."

Carson looks back at the screen that showed Katie, one ear listened to the meeting, and half his mind working on what Rick just said. "No."

Rick's eyebrows rise. "No?"

"No, I don't want to do it."

"But... why?" You already interrogated him once."

"I know... and I don't want to do it again." Carson sets his jaw firmly. "I'm tired of hurting people."

"But he asked for this."

"I don't care."

"You're the only one we have, Carson." Rick folds his arms. "You're the only one who knows how to do this."

"Why? Because I'm the expert in torture? Because I'm the skilled interrogator? Because I know how to evoke pain so someone will talk?"

Rick sighs. "Yes."

"I don't want to hurt Scott any more."

"Then the information will be lost."

Carson looks at the screen again. He listened to the meeting - it sounded like they had a plan in motion and wouldn't need much of his advice. He glances to the clock. It was evening. The day had been long. But it was going to be even longer.

Taking a deep breath, Carson stands up. After summoning Wyatt to take over, he follows Rick...

..."Hope?" Rick approaches carefully, not wanting to startle Scott from coming up behind him. He stops and gestures to Carson. "This is Carson Banks."

Hearing Phinox's plan, the room grows quiet. Derek and Jay exchange glances, both knowing that the other was willing. "We can do it," Derek states with confidence. It had been a very long time since he'd done anything close to undercover work. But he still had his wits about him. They had to pull this off.

Jay nods. "I'll do anything to bring my daughter back."

Reese contemplates for a moment before giving his consent. "Alright."

"What about me?" Jason intervenes. "You expect me just to stand back and watch?"

"Yes," Reese states flatly. "I do. Like the rest of us, you will be in the background in case something goes wrong. If all goes well, you'll be there when Katie needs you the most. Do I make myself clear?"

Jason keeps himself from rolling his eyes. He wasn't happy about this. "Fine."

"Good. Phinox?" Reese looks to him again. "You were supposed to meet with Rod tonight. Are you planning on taking in Derek and Jay at that time, or waiting until you know more information?"

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