
Detailed answer

Scott almost chuckles, but not quiet. “Sitting in a corner and rocking was what I used to do.”

Glancing down, he runs his finger along the rim of his coffee cup. Yes, that’s what he used to do. And while the same kind of fear was still there, he had learned to work through it and not let it take over him. He didn’t know if that made him strong or not. While Hope believed in him, he wasn’t sure he quite believed in himself yet.

For now though, he decides to changes subjects for a little while, taking the spotlight off of his problems. He tells Hope about some of the pictures he’s taken lately, and tells her about how Domino got into the flour a couple days ago, spreading it all over herself and the kitchen.

During the lighter conversation, Scott visibly relaxes, leaning back in his chair, and not jumping every time someone came into the shop. Telling about Domino even gets him to laugh, his live eye sparkling when he did.

But even a relaxing moment has to end and life is always knocking at the door.

Scott looks down at his empty cup and sighs. He hadn’t eaten any supper, but the coffee and conversation had been filling enough for him. Looking back up at Hope, he offers a crooked grin. “I really don’t want to go back to work, but they’ll be looking for me if I don’t show up.”

Standing up, he fishes in his pocket for his wallet, putting enough money on the table for both of them. “Thank you, Hope…” His gaze meets hers once again as he looks down at her. He didn’t know how she did it… but somehow she always managed to make things look just a little brighter, and somehow she always made him feel worth more than the shell of a man he sometimes felt like.

“Maybe I’ll be lucky and get to see you again sometime when I don't have little voices running through my head.”

Alec is quiet. One might think he has fallen asleep. But his eyes are open. For a rare moment, he had been open to someone's words, and Misty's words made him think.

After a couple minutes, Alec turns over and slides out of bed, setting the cool cloth aside. Cradling his injured hand by his side, he doesn't bother telling Misty where he's going - his destination was obvious. Getting into the infirmary bathroom, he splashes some cold water on his face and stares himself in the mirror. Who was he? The question wasn't one that suddenly triggered a memory of the last time he had asked himself that question...

Leaning over the sink, Alec rinses his mouth after having just thrown up. The look on the woman's face as she'd received his bullet to her chest continued to play over and over and over again in his mind.

Another wave of nausea hits him. It had been a raid. He and three others had gone down to that little town, the sole purpose to kill that family. Medridge wanted the grandfather to pay for past interference. It had been Alec's first real assignment. He'd been excited... felt like he was part of the gang. ...He'd just turned seventeen.

"Alec! My man! Good work out there today!"

Alec cringes as JD slaps him on the back. "Yeah... thanks."

JD laughs, noting Alec's pale face. "Don't worry. After our little party is done tonight, you won't feel a thing. First time's always the worst."

Left alone, Alec lets the water drip off of his face. He glances up to see himself in the mirror. Three years ago, he thought he'd been rescued from the life of a boring nobody... But who was he?

Shaking his head, Alec blocks the thoughts from his mind. He'd chosen a path... and that path had led him here. Now he had to deal with it.

A few minutes later, he comes back into the infirmary, though his eyes are no more clear than they were before. His attitude no more peaceful than before. But instead of going back to the bed, he sees that Rick is not there, and he wanders to Misty's desk. Still holding his hand at his side. Leaning back against the desk, he looks at Misty, a grin wanting to come out, but he was keeping it from spreading on his lips. He was still a bit pale... still slightly feverish... but it wasn't enough to keep him down right now.

"Listen, Misty... you got pull around here... you and your boyfriend..." He purposely didn't call Carson his brother this time. His tone shifts to be just on the verge of sly, or maybe hesitant that he didn't want to ask. "Um... can you get my sister back here? Tomorrow or something? I... want to talk to her."

Reese cocks his head at Phinox's question. It was a strange one... one that Reese wondered why it was being asked. "Well... I'm not really sure how to answer that one." He shrugs. "People get second chances all the time... unfortunately sometimes they wait too long for the opportunity... sometimes they miss the chance when it's available. It's rare that the second chance is given and received both. And even then, sometimes they do something that proves they didn't really deserve it."

He pauses, mulling over the entirety of the question. Maybe such a detailed answer really wasn't needed, but for some reason, he felt like it was. "A lot of people deserve second chances. But I guess if I did something wrong in order just to save my hide... it either meant I didn't have things right with God, or I was a coward... and if that was the case, I'm not sure I'd even want a second chance."

Reese shrugs again. "Everything is relative, Phinox. Reasons... chances... choices... justification of deeds. They all depend on circumstances, opinions and the weight of deeds, whether in the law's eyes, or the individual's eyes."

He gives a little nod. "Difficult questions require difficult answers. Now... I'm going to give Brown a call and see if I can get down to the station in half an hour. I'll see if you're done with the report then. You can use the empty cubicle behind Nate's."

Gage checks the lock on the door again. Rod would be back soon, but Gage didn't want to be surprised. Glancing at the security camera on Katie one more time, he makes sure everything is okay before sitting down at the desk again.

Unlocking the bottom drawer, he pulls out a small paperback book that no one else knew he had. Finding the folded page that marked his spot partway through, he starts to read again. Oliver was on his way to freedom, but he wasn't there yet. What would it be like when he was finally free of the people that wanted to hurt him? For some reason, the story was intriguing.

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