
Do you believe

Continuing to listen to Scott Hope's eyes hold a differnt look in them. Not many would notice but not many could tell but if you looked closes enough you could see she wasnt trying to listen to Scott's words and break them down, she was just listing and trying to understand like any friend would.

"It's probley got to be hard not knowing where that stuff if coming from or even knowing what it means. I think your pretty stong Scott just being able to deal with it. Yes it might be hard but man oh man I do believe I would of broke down by now in some courner and just rocked myself back and forth."

Giving a soft smile Hope finishs off her coffee and pushes her cup away a little leaning her arms on the table. She liked this, sitting with Scott and talking casualy even if he was still pouring everything out to her it just felt differnt and she liked it, not to mention though his wearyness there was a small light that flickered in his eyes and it seemed to light them up showing there trust color and oh how handsome they were.

Almost shocked by her own thought Hope chases them away quickly returning to her friendship fram of mind. Continuing to just listen to Scott and her her imput here and there to show she was listing. Though now and than Hope couldnt help but catch herself getting lost in Scott's eyes. She saw past everything, and saw the deeper side to Scott.

Standing Misty shakes her head. She felt a little sorry for Alec. He new the outside world, but had he really even know love, and kindness. To the Agency being kind of letting you see morning, what about true kind need.

"Jail or no jail we all have to pay for our crimes one way or another. I have, your brother has, most every one here has had a past. Life is so much greater than death because sometimes we get that second chanse to change how people see us. You never know who's life your going to change just by being there."

Walking back to her desk Misty sits down and picks up a few paper. Though it looked like she was reading them her mind drifted for a moment.

Before Carson her life had been so dull and hidding who he really wass ad the spunk she had inside had been so hard. She liked her life, but it wasnt everything she wanted. But coming to TJY and meeting Carson even when he was the bad guy Misty saw the good in him and she showed her how to be the little spitfire she wanted to be. It wasnt luck, and it wasnt chanse, it was planed but a greater power. The one Carson had come to know, and Misty herself new about and so many others followed. Yes that had been planed from God and you never new what he had in store next.

Giving a nod Phinox stands thinking things over in his head. Runing a hand through his hair.

"Yeah let me get on that report and if I can get it done by time you go I will come."

Walking to the door his heart punded. He wasnt quiet sure how he would get out of this one or even if it was ok to keep it up but he had to think of something.

Stoping at the door Phinox turns back to Reese his hand on the door. His voice seemed sad but was still strong.

"Reese, do you believe people get a second chanse to do something right after everything they have done that was bad but only to save themself?"

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