
One of Them

Letting out a long sigh Hope was a bit sad to see the night had to end and Scott needed to get back. She was having a nice time and hearing about Scott's life was fun as well. Getting to know him on a more personal level was nice, it was something she didnt experiance often but she liked it.

"Yeah I guess I should head to sleep myself its going to be a long day tomarrow."

Standing Hope places the tip on the table since Scott payed for both drinks. At least she got to help pay something.

Looking at Scott again and giving a smile Hope gives his arm a gentil pat. Before she had come out with him so many thing were running though her head. Alot of witch she herself couldnt talk about with work but they were there non the less. Getting out with Scott tonigtht had been what she needed.

"Thank you so much for meeting me for coffee. You helped me more than you know. I do hope to see you agan."

And with that Hope turns and heads out the door to her car. Sitting in the parking lot for a moment she just watches as Scott maks his way to his own car. Letting out another sigh she pulls out form the parking lot and disapears into the night.

Looking up at Alec Misty just stairing at him for a moment. Squinting her own eyes wondering what he was up to.

"I will see what I can do but I am not promising anything. Go lay back down unless your feeling better. In that case I'll take you down to the cell again."

Continuing to look up at Him Misty ready herself in case he put up a fight or tryed anything. She didnt want to let down her guard and have anything happen. Alec was her resoponsbility.

Just standing in the doorway for a moment Phinox is quiet letting Reese words sinking in. A faint look pass through his eyes for just a moment before he gives a quick nod.

"Good to know in case I run into anyone looking for a second chanse. Just wasnt sure how TJY felt on it. I'll get that report done so I can come with you in a bit."

Turning Phinox heads out of the office and down the cubicles. Though he didnt look any differnt his mind was far away. Was he really a coward? Everything that had happend in the last 4 years did he really become part of them and lose who he was?

Sitting down at the desk and taking out a peace of paper and a pen Phinox starts to write though his mind was far away it made it hard.

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