
Reaching Morning

Carson works his jaw muscles, proving that on the inside there was a whole lot more going on than the outside. "No..." He shakes his head slowly. "No, it's best this way. Seeing her won't matter. I think that social worker would be better off setting the girl straight and putting her foot down instead of giving in, but... I guess that's just me."

His eyes roam the kitchen. "Flesh and blood or not... the kid deserves a family and that's what she's getting. The system is only involving me because she's throwing a fit, not because they really want me to do anything. I'm just... here to prove that there's something better than me."

He thinks for a moment and shakes his head. "No... I should just get this over with and be done with it. They're not asking me to do anything but stand and look incapable of being a parent... that shouldn't be too difficult." Though his words seemed to reflect logic, the tone of his voice was strained, as if already he didn't really know what was right.

Giving another sigh, he turns back to Misty and slings an arm over her shoulders. "I'm sorry... I just... needed some company. Thanks for listening." He squeezes her a little, and guides her out of the kitchen, flipping off the light. "Can we go get some late night ice cream before you go back to work? Guess I just wanna wind down before going home, or Dani will be all over me."

A folded blanket comes out of nowhere, landing on top of Ryder's head. "Umf!" Ryder sits up, dazed after being in a deep sleep. "What in the..."

"Oh, Ryder!" Laura puts a hand over her mouth, stifling a sheepish laugh. "I'm so sorry. I was cleaning up the living room and forgot you were there."

Ryder runs a hand through his disheveled hair. "Henry... you... I really do need to be quick about finding my own place."

"I am sorry," Laura apologizes again. "You can stay as long as you want, you know that."

Ryder quirks a grin. "Yeah, I know."

Laura comes around the couch and sits down, folding her hands between her knees. "Ryder...?"

He cocks his head. "Yeah?"

"Um... thank you... for being so nice. I... needed that." She gives a little nod. "I got a boyfriend that loves me to death and I almost forgot that. I know I'm taken care of. But... it was really nice of you to do those special things and... and give me the flowers and all that."

"I think I mighta made Nate a little unhappy," Ryder admits ruefully.

Laura grins. "He got over it. But really...I needed to remember that there were others who thought I was worth their time and effort... not just those who I was closest to... and... you reminded me of that. So... thank you."

Ryder lowers his head, his face reddening just a little. He was never after any thanks. But he would accept it anyway. "Well... you're welcome. Thanks for letting me stay here... even if you do forget I'm here."

Laura laughs and shakes her head. She felt better today. There was still a lot of turmoil, a lot of hurt and a lot of anger inside of her. But the sun was just a little bit brighter today. She had someone who loved her... and more friends than she'd remembered. "Breakfast?"

"Mm... that sounds good." Ryder gets up and ambles down the hall, coming to the closed bathroom door. He bangs his palm on it, though not as obnoxiously as the other day. "Hey, you're the resident hero," he hollers. "I need a ride somewhere to get some clothes. Drop me of on your way to work?"

"You alright?"

Carson looks across the kitchen table at his sister, coffee mug cupped in his hands. "Yeah... yeah."

Dani looks at her brother with compassion. He'd come home very late last night, but she'd been awake, reading. The conversation that had followed had been a calm one, but surprising. She could tell that this whole thing bothered Carson, but there was nothing she could do. A part of her had gotten just a little excited, thinking that she had a niece. But she knew that Carson had no intention of doing anything but what the social worker said. Then there was the issue of Alec. She'd been shocked, and she almost wanted to go see him, but better sense warned her not to for a while. Though more sentimental than Carson, the thought of another brother did stir something in her heart.

The phone ringing prevents any talk on the subjects, and Dani gets up to answer it. "Hello? Yes. Yes, he's here. Hang on." She holds out the phone. "It's Reese."

Carson quirks an eyebrow. "I'm gonna be late for work."

Dani puts a hand on her hip. "Be nice."

Carson gulps down the rest of his coffee and stands up, taking the phone, but first wrapping it around his sister.

"Hey, hey, watch it!"

Carson grins, just letting Dani find her own way out of the tangled mess. "Yeah, Reese. Whatcha need?"

"Hi, Carson. Sorry to call so early, but I wanted to catch you before work. Listen, um, there's a couple things. One, I wanted to apologize about yesterday. I should have found out a few more facts before calling you in to see Alec. I guess I made an assumption that you'd want to see him, but I understand if you wouldn't."

"It's alright." Carson sighs. "I just got enough going on right now. I was curt with you too.... I figure once things settle down, and when he's more cooperative, I'll come talk to him. I know its' the right thing to do. I think my sister might want to see him too."

"Well, I'll leave that up to the both of you."

"Has he said any more?"

"No, we haven't worked on him any more yet after Ryder. This morning we're going to try again."

"Alright. Well... thanks for calling."

"I got one more thing."

Carson sees Dani getting ready to leave, and gives her a smile and wave, still talking to Reese. "Yeah?"

"How would you like to be back on the team?"

Carson straightens, his eyebrows rising. "What... you mean back on the Elite? How's that possible?"

"Oh, it's been long enough now, and I'd say you proved yourself with that Australian mission."

"You're talking full time?"

"If you want it. We could use you back, Carson. They don't call us the Elite for nothing."

Carson swallows hard. The adrenaline automatically started pumping. He opens his mouth, but then stops. Herb came to mind. Mabel. Aerith. The restaurant. His haven. And for the first time, he didn't jump at the chance to get back into the action. It was one of the strangest sensations he'd ever experienced. But he couldn't deny its presence. "Um... can I think about it?"

Reese chuckles. "You bet. The offer stays open as long as you don't go and do something stupid, and I have a feeling you won't."

"I'll think about it then. Thanks."

"Sure thing. Take it easy and I'll be in touch."

"Yeah, okay. Bye." Hanging up the phone, Carson lets out the breath he'd been holding. "God, what am I supposed to do?" He shakes his head. A half-brother. A daughter. Action on the field. What else? "I just don't understand why I'm getting all this at once." But he knew deep down that he didn't have to understand. He just needed to have the faith that everything would turn out for good.

The phone rings again and Carson groans. "Yeah?"

"Mr. Banks?"

He bristles. "Heather."

"Very good, I'm impressed."

"Don't be. What do you want?"

"You. Tomorrow. To meed your daughter."

"Tomorrow?!" Carson blinks. "I thought it would be..."

"Well, then you thought wrong. I want to get this over with as much as you do. I have a flight for myself and Mackenzie and we'll be in tomorrow, then back out again a couple hours later. Can you meet us?"

How could he say no? "Um... yeah. You want me to pick you up at the airport or what?"

"No, I'll have a rental car. You just name the place, as long as it's appropriate for a little girl."

Carson rolls his eyes. "City park?"

"That will do. Two pm?"


"Great. I will see you then, and we can get this little episode over with."

"Yeah." Carson hangs up without a goodbye. He looks up at the ceiling. "You really do like putting pressure on me, don't you? Guess I deserve it. But why this?" Suddenly, he realizes the time. "Aw shoot." It's a rush to get ready for work, and his walk became a run downtown.

Getting into the back of Mom and Pop's, he slides into the kitchen. He'd have to call Misty later. "I'm here, Herb," he calls. "Where we at?" He grabs an apron, then peeks out behind the counter, throwing Mabel a smile. "Morning, Mum."

Scott stands on his porch, looking out at the gray morning. Domino's leash was in his hand, his little friend, waiting at his heel for the signal to walk. He hesitates. Last night had brought little sleep. But no one had come. He'd been safe. The security cameras had helped ease his mind. But something else had too. The fear... it wasn't as great.

He stares out to the sidewalk and finally takes a step forward. His white t-shirt was hanging loose over his jeans, and his flannel shirt was unbuttoned. His contacts in, and his hair finally grown out, no one would guess what had happened to him.

Gripping Domino's leash, he steps down off the porch and walks toward the sidewalk. It would take him about half an hour to get to Hope's, and that would make him on time for his appointment. Today... today he was going by himself.

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