
No, Laura!

Looking around the room Herb gives a short chuckle as he shakes his head a little.

"The best it can be I guess, though I hate sitting still and thats what they are making me do here. Not to mention Mable cant make me clean here."

"I hurd that Herbert."

Giving a cringes another laugh comes forth and a smile at his wife his eyes show much life still aside form what he has been through.

"Oh nothing dear..no no nothing at all."

Looking back to Carson Herb gives a wink.

Sitting at the quiet restront with Laura Nate was enjoying the small talk. Being here now, its not what he planed but he wasnt disapointed eather.

As the talking shift though Nate can feel the tone in Laura's voice change and see the look in her eye was more serous now.

Nate couldnt help but feel a little bit a nervousness rise inside of himself. He didnt want it to but it just happend. Maybe it was the unknowing of what Laura needed to talk so serous with him about.

Listing to Laura stays quiet. He didnt want to intarupt her or cut her off not when she had something like this to say. Giving nods here and there was all he did to let her know he was listing.

Taking everything in that she said Nate just listened till finally she was finished. Staying silent for a moment Nate works everything through in his head till finally he looks up at Laura. He felt alot of things at the moment and the emotion could be seen in his eye.

"No Laura, I am sorry I dont to start over."

Giving a small sigh Nate reaches out across the table and takes Laura's hand in his.

"I would just like to start from where we left off, and continue to let outself change and grow. I love you so much Laura I could never turn you away."

Running a finger down the side of her face Nate just smiles as he looks into Laura's eyes his love pouring out of them.

"I'll never regret getting sick and kissing you. It was the best thing that ever happend to me.

Looking down at the young girl a smile forms on her face. Something about the girl reminded her of Carson but she wasnt to sure why. She remembered heading about Carson's daughter but only in passing.

"No, he's not here right now, but he should be back shortly if you would like to wait."

Giving another smile Aerith looks around the dinner and than back at the girl as she leans on the counter.

"Would you like a milkshake? Its on the house!"

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