
I thought

Trying to hold a small laugh in Katie slightly turns her head to look at Ryder. She wasnt sure that to say to that.

"Bad guys up the hall eh? I'd probley believe that before the CPR thing because...wait a tick...you big dink."

Katie cant help the sly grin that spread on her lips. Leaning into Ryder Katie gives him a soft kiss on the cheek than keeping her face close to the side of him she whispers.

"Sorry, I thought I hurd the bad guys too."

Pulling away again Katie gives Ryder hand a gentil squeeze.

"I am going to run home fast and get cleaned up, and find some new clothing for you as well. Would you like me to pick anything up for you to eat? And do you think you will be ok while I am gone? It will probley be for only an hour."

Searching Rocky's face for a moment Jess finally looks away. She didnt feel to hungry but she new she should eat.

"Sure..I think that would be good. There is this nice restront down the road from Axel's place that we use to go they have really good....."

For a moment Jess words trail off. Saying his name reminded her that he wasnt around and it hurt Jess to think about it. Right now was the storm of the centery and a rainbow would be needed but that Rainbow was not around. '

Since lastnight before the consert she hadnt much thought about everything that went on her mind was to busy. She wanted to forget and she had but not it was back and it mixed with the hurt she was already feeling.

Quick to rething her words Jess changes her mind.

"Maybe just a sandwhich from Mom and Pop's would be good."

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