
Antidote Search

A bit of disappointment flickers in Ryder's eyes as Katie pulls away from her light kiss. But a weary grin emerges. He looks as though he's going to say something, but doesn't. Letting go of her hand, he rolls over onto his good shoulder. "You better go do your thing," he prompts groggily. His eyes fall shut, his breathing finally relaxed.

Hearing Katie get up and walk away though, his eyes crack open again. He didn't want to face what sleep would bring.

A few moments later, it's the doctor that's in front of him. Rick checks Ryder's pulse, then shakes his head. "You realize you should be dead."

"Mm,mm." Ryder shakes his head a little. "Not today."

Rick quirks an eyebrow. "And at the very least, you should be asleep after all that. Your body is completely worn out."

Ryder's only response is to try and bring the rest of the room into focus.

Rick really was baffled. Either Ryder should have died, or at least now he should be having far worse problems than just not being able to sleep. He'd stopped breathing. His heart had stopped. But who was Rick to argue with what he saw? "Can I get you something to help you sleep?"

"I told you... no meds."

Rick furrows his brow. "Why not?"

Ryder ignores the question, coming back with his own, though his slurred speech proved how tired he was. "Did you... give me a sedative... or something?"

"Yeah. About three. And even that didn't bring you down."

"Immune." Ryder forces his eyes to stay open. "Agency scum... gave me one too many."

Now Rick was more intrigued. "They gave you so many that you built up an immunity?"

"My whole system is whacked." Ryder taps his chest. "Heart don't like meds anymore."

"I can't even give you a light pain killer for your shoulder?"

"Not unless you want me to kiss death again."

"Or Katie."

Ryder quirks an eyebrow, trying to figure out if Rick was reprimanding or teasing. He finally decided it was a little of both. "Or Katie."

"Well... try to sleep." Rick gives his arm a pat. "Once Katie's back, you'll have some clean clothes and... we'll get the cot out so you're a little more comfortable." He moves back to the counter next to Misty once more. "Alright... here's what we have from Jason. This vial here is the poison, and I'm guessing this is the antidote, but we need to test it first to make sure..."

Rocky's shoulders drop at little at Jess' mention of Axel. He felt the same miserable pangs. He'd debated with himself all morning about calling Axel, but never had. What sense was there, calling someone to let him know Jess was hurt, when Rocky had separated them in the first place so Axel wouldn't be the one to hurt her?

Brought back to the conversation, he doesn't make Jess think about Axel anymore. He smiles. "Okay. Sandwich from Mom and Pop's it is."

He reaches over to gives Jess' shoulder a little squeeze. "I'll be back at suppertime then. If you need anything in the meantime though, I've got my phone on me."

Getting up from the bed, he heads to the door, turning just once more to toss Jess a wink before disappearing into the hall.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Just keep cool and we'll continue the investigation the right way."

Carson's eyes narrow as Reese talks to him. "I just led a successful mission for you, Reese. But I'm not part of the Elite, and therefore don't have to take orders from you."

"Then I can arrest you."

"Don't make me stand around and do nothing!" Carson's palm slams down on the desk.

Reese is getting worked up himself. "I don't want you going out and doing something stupid!"

"I won't kill him," Carson promises. "But let me at least look for him. Please."

Reese rolls his eyes and throws his hands in the air. "I know I can't stop you."

"Good. Can I borrow a TJY van?"

"Now you're pushing it."

"I know where the keys are."

Reese flops back down in his chair and looks up at the man he wished TJY had never lost. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." Watching Carson leave, he shakes his head. Too much was going on at once. If Carson wanted to go after Peter, so be it. Right now, Reese was just relieved that the Australian mission had gone as well as it had. Apparently Ryder was here now, but that would be dealt with when things settled down again.

Scott stares at the computer screen. He was still alone in the office. Words had come faster than he'd thought they would, and now the cursor blinked at the end of the document. Within a couple seconds, it has been emailed to Reese.

Scott leans back in his chair, exhausted. Emotions lay behind his eyes. His stomach churned. He hadn't liked writing that report. But it was over. It was over.

Jason's eyes fall shut at he sits behind his desk. Just one minute. One minute to rest his eyes. That's all. The phone's intercom beeping makes him jump. "Huh?"

"Jase." It was Reese. "Like to see you about the mission before you head home."

Jason sighs. "Didn't Carson talk to you?"

"Briefly, but he... stepped out."

"Oh alright..." Jason sighs. "Coming." He gets up from his chair and wanders out into the hall wearily. He's just in time to meet Katie leaving too.
I need sleep, Hero... just sleep.

He pulls her in next to him as they walk, ready to part once they hit the main floor.
Have I said lately how beautiful you are?

He grins and stops, looking down at her. She was just as disheveled, weary and dirty as he was.
Just about perfect.

Leaning down, he gives her lips a kiss.
We'll catch up with each other sometime later, okay?


He rolls his eyes at Reese' shout, still looking at Katie. "I'm being summoned."

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