
Walk away

The silence is nice and Jess dosent mind it one bit. It was nice to just take in the moment, and listen to each breath that was formed. Jess like it this way. Talk when needed or when they felt like it, silence any other time.

As Axel takes her hands Jess just looks down at them for a long moment. It wasnt a strange feeling but at the same time it was a stange feeling to actully have Axel holding her hand. Jess wasnt sure if she liked it or not but it was differnt.

Not pulling away Jess just listens to Axel allowing him to hold her hand as the warmth from his own warmed her hands as well. His own touch was light, and he push much care into how he held it. Like he almost thought it was break if he handled it to rough.

Hearing his comment about her being differnt Jess is not to sure what to say. She had never has someone say that to her before and it kind of took her off guard. Looking up Jess' eyes meet Axel's again. Just looking into them for a long moment Jess finally find a few words to say.

"Differnt I am, I guess I am a storm that like to move to a differnt tune Its not everyday after all the storm is calm enough for a ranbow to be able to get this close to it."

Looking down again a strange glint of sadness pass through Jess eyes. Lonlyness again, lost, fear, shame, maybe it was a mix of everything. Maybe it was not being able to understand why Axel thought she was differnt when she had done so much that was wrong. Just the though of it braught color to her face. How could anyone ever care for a tanted flower. Looking up again Jess trys to put on a smile again and give a nod to Axel.

"Your pretty differnt yourself Axel in more ways than one. An I like them all."

A figure makes its way through the dark of the house. Unfamilure with where everything was but manuvering the best they could.

Going to the fridge a smile forms on the face of this person as they spot a beer in the fridge. She could try to change but they new she would never change that much.

Pulling out the beer and cracking it open the figure moves once again taking note to everything and looking at the new that was being formed. Time would tell what was going to happen, time would tell that what was taken from them would be returned.

Moving papers our of the way A slender brown haired woman reaches for the ringing phone digging to find it. Finally feeling it she pulls her hand out of the stacks of papers and flips the phone open.

"Alice Walker speaking how can I help you?"

Hearing Kyle's voice on the other end of the phone a grin forms on Alice's face. She had been waiting for this phone call to come for a while and was starting to give up hope it would come. An now it had.

"..Thats great. Yes anything you dont want published Kyle I wont you have my word. Where would you like to meet and when?"

Hearing Jeff's voice Angel smiles.

"Oh I am alive. Is Luke around?"

Waiting a few moment Angel just collectes her thoughts as she waits for Luke. Finally hearing Luke's voice a small smile forms on Angels face but the lack of energy is just not behind her words.

"Hey you. Things are moving on here. I've been missing you something terrable ya know. and I LOVE you so much Luke."

Falling silent again Angel continplates tell him or not telling about what was going on. Letting out a sigh she knows she has to.

"Luke...I have something I have been hidding from you that I need to tell you about...."

Going into detail Angel informs Luke on her sickness that has been plaging her for more than two months now. Along with telling him the symtoms, and how they affected her.

"...So another reason I came to Nevada was because Misty was good with research and I was hoping maybe I could get a hold of a few of her files or something to help me figure out what this sickness is. But to no avail nothing has turned up. And for that reason alone I didnt want to tell you because you had enough to worry about and Wendy had her own problems I didnt want to add mine in the mix right away. But now there is no cure we know of and I am getting worse rappedly. I couldnt continue this with out tell you. I am scaired and I wanted to know you were there. I love you so much Luke and I have no idea how long I will have left. Do you hate me for not telling you?"

Angel's voice is quivering as you can tell tears ran from her eyes. She was scaired and now she was even scaired more that the person she loved the most might walk away.

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