
Get Gunner

A slight grin curls the corner of Axel's mouth at Jess' statement. Still looking at her eyes, his finger moves slightly to run slowly across her thumb.

Something shone in his eyes. Something that couldn't be quickly recognized. "Jess..." His voice has changed to a questioning tone. "Do you trust me?"

Kyle rolls his eyes. He had all day. "Whenever. How about in half an hour at the city park?" He fumbles to get himself up off the floor and glances around for any bits and pieces of clean clothing left before he did laundry. Getting the okay from Alice, he shuts his phone and goes to take a quick shower. No use in looking like a bum even if his disheveled appearance was how he was feeling on the inside. Popping a couple pills before a breakfast of a can of pop, his late morning proceeds until he's out the door.

The park is quiet today. Not a whole lot of people out and about. Kyle finds a tree to stand under where he could see the parking lot. He had no idea what this Alice woman looked like, but apparently she knew him, so he'd just wait for her to come to him.

Luke exchanges Angel's warm enthusiasm for getting to talk to her, but then falls silent as she breaks the news to him. His pulse quickens and he can feel the blood drain from his face as his grip on the phone tightens.

Jim looks up from his position on the bed, just pulling through the last stitch in Luke's knee. He glances to Luke with concern, but his friend isn't even paying any attention. "What is it?" he asks quietly. No response.

Jeff hands Jim a towel to wipe the blood off his hands with, his face also showing concern for Luke's sudden tension.

Luke's jaw muscles tighten as Angel finishes. He didn't even know what to say. Of course he was upset she hadn't told him. He didn't understand her reasoning. Everybody had problems - why hadn't she confided in him? It was a rotten feeling. Worse though, was his worry. If Angel didn't know what was wrong with her and those in Nevada didn't know...

"Angel..." His voice is low but stern. "I don't want you to even think about asking me ever again if I hate you."

Jeff and Jim exchange another glance. Jim starts to wrap a bandage around Luke's knee, trying not to listen to the private call. "You want us to leave?" he questions.

Luke finally looks to him and shakes his head, giving both men a look that they better stay there. He continues to talk to Angel. "I'm sorry you didn't tell me sooner... but that's over and done now. What I want you to do now is stay where you are."

Seeing Jim finished with the bandage, he moves to swing his legs out of bed. Jim tries to stop him, but he throws him a glare, ignoring the pain in his side. "I don't want you traveling," Luke emphasizes to Angel. "And I don't want you keeping this a secret from people over there. I'm not going to tell Wendy yet... not until I see you first."

Jim's eyes widen, his voice a hoarse whisper. "You're not traveling either, you idiot."

Luke stands up, needing to reach out and take Jim's shoulder for support, though his concentration is still on the phone. "Just rest, alright?" His tone softens. "I love you, Angel. We'll figure this out. Nothing is going to happen."

Not allowing for any more conversation, Luke ends the call, then turns to his friends. "Get Gunner. I need to get to Nevada."

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