

Staying close behind Ryder Kaite glances back every now and than making sure Jason and Carson wernt far behind. Moving over the roots and bushes Katie trys to be as quiet as she can be.

Walking for a long way Katie though they might never stop but finally seeing Ryde go down to his belly Katie follows along inch by inch.

Looking over the edge of the cleft Katie takes everything in down below letting off a soft whistle.

"Wow, they really do have the operation going on down there dont they."

Looking over the faces though thye were small Katie could make them out and takes them in. Hearing Ryder's question Katie is silent for a moment before turning finally turning to Ryder a small grin forms on her face.

"Because I am the best."

Giving a shake of her head and a small laugh the glint in Katie's eyes never leaves.

"I have a pretty good memorie. I can take evertything and than at a laster date bring it out again kind of like a camra. Once I see something or someone I never forget, among other talents I shair with people. Not only that, I have been told am good at my job. I can shoot pretty good no matter how much it hurts."

A small smile forms on her face at a memorie.

"I once shot a shot gun with ease while I had a broken arm."

Looking back down at the tarrain below Katie falls silent again just thinking and taking things in.

"So how are we gonna do this?"

Continuing to listen once again Hope follows Scott back into her office. Leaning aganst her desk Hope takes in all the scars that marked. Feeling the strings on her heart being pulled Hope cant say nothing but just listen.

Pusing off the desk she goes around her one of her shelfs and grabs some tissues bringing them to Scott. Finally as he is done Hope is silent for a moment thinking about Scott last statment.

"Oh Scott, I can't tell you if its completely over or not. I am here to help you get to the end resalt but that ending it left up to you."

Walkng close to where was once again Hope lays a gentil hand on his arm.

"But what I can tell you Scott, is you made a BIG BIG step today Scott and your on the right path. Your end is coming soon Scott and before you know it, your not going to need me anymore."

For a moment at the statment Hope feels a bit of meloncoly, a sadness and never seeing Scott again.

"Your doing so good Scott compaired to when you first came here. Yours making great progress. Next time we meet Scott how about doing lunch my treat?"

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