
If you want

Ryder squints his eyes just a little, a grin turning up the corner of his mouth. “Cocky little sheila, aren’t we now?”

Carson gives him a sidelong glance. “You think pride in abilities is cocky? You did ask her.”

“I expected more of what she’d contribute to this mission. Not her tolerance of pain or ability to remember.”

“What she’s good at really isn’t your concern,” Carson retorts. “You’re here to help us get in. Period. Remember?”

“Oy, settle down, mate.” Ryder props himself up on his elbows, taking a bit more of a defensive stance. “You want me out of this, just say so. Looks like you got everything under control. I’ll just go back to the hut and sit if that’s what you like.”

Carson rolls his eyes. “We need all the help we can get. But you should just trust Reese for sending the right team and leave it at that.”

Ryder sighs and settles back down on his stomach to watch the Agency building. “If I’da known a bloke would get into so much trouble just for opening his mouth, I’da shut up a long time ago. It’s about time I left this job for good.”

Jason shakes his head, looking through the binoculars.
I suppose I could ask if all Aussies argue like this, but I doubt it would do too much good at this point.

Carson smirks at Ryder. “Maybe all you should do is think before opening your mouth.”

“Maybe I should just leave you lot to yourselves then ay?” Ryder sits up to rock back on his heels, and gives Katie’s leg a swat. “If you’re all that, then try to keep this Aussie in line, will you? He’s liable to blow this cover if he keeps talking like that.” Though making a joke of it, it’s obvious in Ryder’s eyes that he’s put out, and feeling it would be best if he just went back to the cabin and let the other three scout by themselves. He turns to leave.

Scott takes the tissues from Hope and blows his nose, looking down as he feels like a total idiot for such a display, even if he couldn't help it. The tears sting his blind eye and he winces, squinting it shut until the painful sensation passes.

Leaning back against the window, he takes a deep breath, trying to bring himself out of his emotional state. He gives a little nod. He knew he'd made progress. It was hard admitting that he really needed all this help to begin with, but he couldn't deny it... if he hadn't been getting this kind of help, he'd still be stuck with Rick watching him like a hawk, not to mention he'd still be scared of his own shadow.

Swallowing hard, he finally looks at Hope again. "I... I don't know. Every time I'm out, I just... I freeze up." His eyes go down again. "But... I'll go... if you want me to."

Axel tries to keep himself busy, but it's hard. He didn't know what was going to happen now. He didn't know what to do... but he had to prepare for the worst - and that was losing his job completely, as well as losing his place to live. It was a depressing thought, but one he'd been prepared for for a long time. But he had to press on. He could find another job. He could find another place to live.

Sighing, he gets up from his chair. He could go hang out with Phil and Mike before the concert and help them load up. He knew they wouldn't object to his presence. He could just say he got off work early.

"Who else knows him as well as I do?" Tears fill Taylor's eyes, heat coming to her face. She knew this was pointless, and she felt embarrassed over the whole thing. But it still hurt. She paces her apartment. "Who else knows that his favorite flavor of ice cream is plain vanilla? Or that he doesn't like the color olive green? Or that he thinks the best temperature is seventy-three degrees? Or that..."

"Taylor..." Joel interrupts her and stops her from pacing by putting his hands on her shoulders. He looks her in the eye, gentle but firm. "You're gonna have to let this go."

Taylor's lower lip trembles. "Did you know that he wears dogtags that have his first and middle names on them?"

Joel shakes his head. "I guess I've seen a chain around his neck but I didn't know what it was, no. But..."

"See? He's been with us for over a year and I've learned all the little things, and I've worked so hard just to get close to him, just so he'd give me second glance. And he still won't even ride in my car with me!"

Joel sighs and makes her sit on the couch with him. "He doesn't go anywhere alone with any woman, you know that."

"He does with Jess," Taylor mumbles.

Joel rolls his eyes. "Jealous?"

Taylor looks down and sniffs. "Maybe. He hardly knows her... how come he'll let her into his zone and not me?"

"I don't know. But if Axel doesn't have feeling for you, there's nothing you can do about it. You've done all you can, you let him know how you feel, and if he doesn't want that, then you're just gonna have to let it go."

"But..." Taylor wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, feeling foolish. "I've made an idiot out of myself. How can I even face him?"

A small grin surfaces on Joel's face. Taylor had told him all about what had happened after he'd stopped by to try and get her to come to Cryptic's next practice. "You think he's the type to let that bother him? Knowing Axel, he's probably thinking he's ruined his friendship with you, and probably feels horrible about it."

Taylor looks up at her cousin. "He left a message on my answering machine to apologize. You think he really feels that badly?"

"I'd bet money on it. You're his friend, Tay. He may not care for you the way you want him to, but he does consider you a friend, and a good one at that. Can you live with just being friends with him?"

Taylor sighs and finally gives a little nod. "I think I can." Her eyes plead with Joel. "But don't tell any of the other guys okay? I feel foolish enough the way it is."

Joel chuckles. "I won't tell them. They're worried about you though. Come to our next practice, okay?"


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