

Carson stands for a moment, unsure of what was going on. But he did know what Misty was implying. If they were going to save Angel's life, they needed the antidote. If they needed the antidote, someone would have to go to Australia to get it. And if someone had to go to Australia, Carson was first to come to mind.

His mind races as he tries to think of how something like that could be accomplished, while at the same time, trying to remember anything that would help them now.

"I don't know enough about this stuff." He shakes his head. "They didn't want anything else to be able to hold off the affects of the poison, so it's specifically engineered to not be thwarted by anything." He takes a deep breath and runs a hand over his face. "Benadryl."

Rick lifts his eyebrows. "What?"

"You know - something for allergies."

"Yes, so?"

Carson keeps racking his brain. "So the way two-sixty-seven works, part of it like, convinces the body that there's something foreign there in order to create an allergic reaction. It's not really, but that's the way the body reacts. Once the immune system targets the poison and tries to get rid of it, the next level of the poison gets through the back door."

He keeps thinking, not even sure if this was making sense, or if what he remembered really was accurate. "So if you give her something like Benadryl, it might trick the body into think it's got help, and leave that first-step dosage alone, allowing the immune system to start battling what's really affecting her. It might buy her some time."

Rick glances to Misty and gives a little shrug. "It's worth a try. In the meantime though..." He looks back to Carson. "What about Australia?"

"What about it? I got kicked off this team, remember?" Carson's eyes fall as he realizes that a small portion of bitterness over the past still remained. "You'll have to take it up with Austin I guess."

"Reese," Rick corrects.


"Long story." Rick goes to the phone and picks it up, dialing Reese's office and requesting he come to the infirmary.

Within seconds, Reese is there, asking what's going on. A brief explanation brings him up to date quickly, after first finding out who these strangers are. Being told about the poison and the dire need for the antidote, all that was left was the silence after explaining where one would need to go.

Reese hooks his thumbs in his pockets and looks between everyone in the room. Those from the ranch... his physicians... and someone he wished had stayed on the straight and narrow to begin with. "What are you recommending?" he asks Rick.

Rick sighs deeply. "We need the antidote if we're going to save Angel's life. And... quite frankly, if they've gotten to her, they may get to someone else. If that's the case, then getting the antidote will not only help this case, but may help us prevent others. It's in TJY's best interest to go find it."

"And... who would be on the team to find it?"

"That's why you're here." There was no teasing in Rick's voice. He was serious. No one could decide that but Reese.

Reese purses his lips as he thinks. He knew time was crucial right now. But even so, no one would be able to leave until tomorrow at the earliest. Finally he looks over to Carson. "Mr. Banks?"


"What say you?"

Carson glances to Misty, then back to Reese. "I say you need someone who knows where they're going."

"Are you volunteering?"

"Can I?" Carson cocks his head. "Wouldn't that be frowned upon?"

"Does my authority mean nothing to you?" Reese's eyes show a fiery glint. "I'm the boss here for a reason. Maybe some would complain because of your record, but we brought you here once when your record was quite colorful. I don't see why we can't now."

Despite the rush of adrenaline the mere thought of the mission stirred up, Carson withholds any plans in his mind. "I'm a civilian now, Reese."

"Are you saying you've forgotten how to do you your job?"

The question brings on the desired defense. "Of course not."

"Then what's your problem? Can you lead a team to Australia and bring us back the antidote?"

Carson looks to Misty one more time. "I'm the only man you got that can get you anywhere close."

"Then you make plans to leave," Reese states flatly. "But this case is confidential." He looks around the room. "Those of us here at TJY may know about it. But the public will be kept unaware, is that understood?" Receiving nods, he turns to Carson again. "How many men?"

"Give me an hour to tell you."

"You got it. Soon as you know what you need, see me. From now until you get back, you're mine."

Once Reese is gone, Carson is quiet for several moments. But in his eyes is an old fire... one that had been dying to be lit again. Turning, he just looks at Misty for a long minute. If only for a short time... it felt good to be back.

Jason grins as he backs out of the driveway. He loved Katie's sense of humor.

Oh, just meet me at Mike's I guess. That way if anything comes up or Reese calls me back in or something, we can be split up. Phil and Mike gotta quit about one o'clock, so I told Reese I'd be in after that. I might wind up playing hookie the whole day though, depending.

Humor laces his silent words.

The time is now. Race ya there.

It's not long before JetStream is in Mike's basement, talking and practicing. While laughter came though, something still wasn't right. Tension was there... one that no one wanted to talk about or admit to...

"...and I am not alone."

The music continues, then falls apart until everyone has stopped. Kyle's shoulders drop and he rubs his forehead tiredly. "Can we just skip over this one?"

Jason sighs in frustration. "Kyle, we've gone over this song five times already. Now what?"

"It's just not..." Kyle shakes his head. "I don't know. "It just doesn't feel right."

"Well do you want to do it?" Though Jason hadn't meant to snap, the tone of his voice showed his true feelings of annoyance that Kyle wasn't pleased, and that Jason was tired of pretending he was over the other night.

Kyle's face reddens. "Look, I told you when you got here that that's not what I want. I said we'd just keep going like always."

He had. As soon as the band had gathered in Mike's basement, Kyle had addressed the night of the concert and had apologized to everyone. Though Jason had accepted, the tension still ran thick.

Jason looks down at his guitar.

He said it alright, but did he mean it? You can't tell me that after the other night, he doesn't want to be in my place right now, in the spotlight. I can't even sing right for him anymore.

"Okay, guys," Phil intervenes before an argument starts. "Lets just take a breather, shall we?"

"A breather won't fix this," Jason retorts.

"Come on, Jase," Jen prompts gently from her seat at the bottom of the stairs. "We all need a break."

Receiving the reprimand, no matter how gentle it was, and no matter the kind intentions behind it, was not the thing to do. Jason grits his teeth, now embarrassment falling into the pot of mixed emotions. Not letting himself give up on the moment, he raises his eyes to look at Kyle, defying Jen's words. "What about Cryptic?"

His question creates a silence no one enjoyed. Kyle looks down at his keyboard, running a finger along the silent keys. "Logan's pulling out."

Mike's eyes widen. "What? Why?"

"Doctor warned him that his vocal chords are being strained too much. He opted to take an extended time-out before too much damage occurred."

Phil lets out a low whistle. "Yeah, he's been going at it pretty hard for a while now. What are they going to do?"

Kyle shrugs.

Jason's eyes narrow. "They asked you to take his place, didn't they?"

Finally Kyle looks up at him. "What if they did?"

"Then I'd say thanks alot for leaving us all behind."

"I wouldn't have to," Kyle argues. "I can still play for JetStream."

"And wear yourself out?" Jen asks, now equally concerned.

Kyle throws up his arms. "No one cared about what happened to me before, why start now? As long as I'm standing here behind my keyboard and filling in the cracks for y'all, everything is good and happy, right? As long as I don't question anything. As long as Kyle doesn't ever want to move up from where he is, everything is just hunky dory, is that it?"

An outburst from him is rare, and it is noted as such. No one knows what to say.

Kyle's own nerves get the best of him as his stomach starts to revolt. Leaving the room quickly, he heads down the hall to the basement bathroom before throwing up.

Phil sighs. "He was doing that last night too. I think it's those meds he's on."

Jen looks up quickly, surprised and confused. "What?"

Phil cringes. He hadn't meant to say anything. "Nothing."

"No, tell me."

"You want me to get on Kyle's bad side even more?"

Jen's eyes narrow. "Tell me, Phil. What's going on?"

"He's taking some sort of depression meds."

Surprise hits everyone. Jason even lifts his eyebrows, now almost feeling badly for his own pressure on Kyle tonight.

Depressed? Maybe he's been a bit down lately, but depressed? Kyle? That seems impossible.

Jen swallows hard. "Well what... I mean... did he talk to you about it?"

"No. I accidentally found out."

"How long has he been taking something?"

"He wouldn't tell me. I don't think it's been too long though." Phil unstraps his bass guitar and sets it on its stand. "I think we better call it a night."

Mike purses his lips grimly. "We got a concert coming up."

"I know."

"What do we do?"

Phil shakes his head. "Well if we keep on bickering, we're not going to get anywhere." He throws a look in Jason's direction. "If Kyle wants to help out Cryptic, then so be it. I'm not going to stop him."

"He should remain loyal to one band," Jason counters.

"Look I didn't say I was happy about it," Phil adds. "But I'm not going to be the first to ask him to leave JetStream. If his venture with Cryptic interferes, that's one thing. But if he can keep up and nothing changes here, then I don't see a problem. In the meantime, I say lay off of him. Something's going on with him and I don't know what it is. But harping on him isn't going to solve anything."

Kyle reemerging makes the room fall silent. He can feel everyone's eyes on him, and keeps his own gaze down as he trudges to the keyboard where he retrieves his jacket and truck keys.

Jen tries to stop him. "Kyle, you sure you feel up to driving home? Why don't you..."

"Just leave me alone," Kyle retorts quietly. He'd heard everything. "I'll see you guys later."

"But, wait, I..." Tears fill Jen's eyes as she watches her brother head upstairs alone. Having her twin hurting was almost bad as if she herself was.

Jason's eyes fall to the floor and he slowly stands up to put his own guitar away. "Give me a call for the next practice... I have to get to work."

Phil nods solemnly. "Alright."

Without saying any more, Jason goes upstairs and out, ready to drive to TJY for the rest of the day.

Sorry, Hero... I don't know if I'm really going back to work or not... give me a while to cool off, will ya?

He slips into his truck and pulls out, heading back towards town, but with no real destination in mind.

Few would notice that Kyle's truck had not headed back to town, but had been driven the opposite direction, pulling over on a deserted dirt road.

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