

Axel fidgets with a wrench in his hand for a moment, cocking his head at Jess, and noting her lack of hurry to leave. Most people, once their car was finished, would be fast gone.

He opens his mouth to respond, but the silence is interrupted by a shout from the office.


Axel's eyes widen and he turns around, looking to the open door where Jed was standing, waving a CD in the air. "What?"

"Are you crazy?!" Jed blinks, shaking his head. "You have defiled the CD player!"

Axel quirks an eyebrow. "Okay, I'll bite... how did I do that?"

"You replaced my metal with this?!"

"Ohh, that." Axel holds in a laugh, turning back to the van. "Little bit of celtic never hurt anyone."

"It hurt my ears!"

Leo pops up from the other side of the shop. "You tell him, Jed! Every time I get in the tow truck, he's got some foofoo music going."

Axel smirks, giving Jess a look that said the other two were off their rockers. "Just because you guys don't know how to appreciate music when you here it, is no reason to make fun of it."

Jed rolls his eyes and slips back into the office, the sound of rock music coming forth soon after.

Axel sighs good-naturedly and reaches up to shut the van hood. Grabbing a rag, he wipes a couple tools off and heads to the sink to use soap and water on his hands.

"Well, you should be all set," he comments to Jess, over his shoulder. "Don't know about you, but I'm heading to Michael B's for some soup before my lunch break is over, or before these two knotheads decide to leave so I have to stay and watch the shop."

Though his eyes focus on the sink, his invitation lingers in the air, to join him at the little restaurant just a walk's distance away.

Rick turns in his chair to check the calendar, and nods, even though Hope can't see him. "Wednesday sounds good. I'll do my best with him until then, and... yes, I understand that you may decide different arrangements for him."

He pauses, hoping that things would be better tonight with Scott, but was unconvinced. "I, um... well, do you have any advice what I can do in the meantime? Last night scared me pretty bad, I'll admit. I still don't know if Scott was totally awake or not, but... well, I guess I'm just glad I don't know what was going through his mind. I don't want to see him hurt, so I've opted to stay here with him, but that just makes him mad."

Hearing someone coming down the hall, Scott starts to turn to go back to the infirmary. But as he does, his eyes glance upward one more time, and suddenly his eyes find something too strange to not stop and stare.

Frowning, he doesn't understand. Two nameplates? Why was his name back on this door? He had no office... he had no job.

Confused, instead of returning to the shelter of the infirmary, he steps just inside Dalton's office, avoiding interaction with those passing in the hall.

Looking over to Dalton at his desk, Scott hesitates, feeling invasive for not having knocked. Reaching up, he absentmindedly rubs his blind eye. "Um... Dalton?"

He finally gets up enough nerve to ask, skipping over any formal greetings. "Why... why is my name on the door?"

Carson grins and gives Misty's hand a little squeeze. "Thanks, Misty."

Someone coming into the diner makes Carson glance up, and his eyes pass by the clock on the wall. Sighing, he looks back to Misty. "Can I beg a ride off of you, back to Mom and Pop's? If you gotta get back to work, I can walk. I told Herb I'd be a while anyway."

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