

Misty listens to Carson with interest. She really did care what happend and was going on with him all these months. Even though some of the info hurt a little she was happy that Carson was feeling better about himself.

"Well it sounds like your on the right track and I am happy for that. You've always ment the world to me."

A grin curles at the courners on Misty's mouth as she just looks across the table at Carson.

" There is just something about you I cant let go. Maybe its the fire you spark in me. I dont know but whatever it is I like it you know that."

Reaching across the table Misty takes Carson's hand in her own. Things were gonna be differnt that was for sure, but maybe she would get use to it.

Jess enjoys watching and helping Axel here and there, the small talk was nice and the silence even better. Doing something differnt was always nice, and watching Leo and Axel go back and forth was something funny in itself to watch.

Giving a small jump when Axel drops the wrench Jess just watches him. Something was wrong and was bothering Axel with his hand. This had been the second time she saw him rubbing it over wincing just a little. But letting it pass by once again Jess just watches him. Taking in every move, and motion.

Once Leo comes back and gives Jess her keys she hops off the counter. Though she wasnt in any hurry she contiune to talk to Axel answering his question.

"Not much really. I have to work at 2 and than after that I am doing a bit of waitressing at Mom and Pop's for about an hour."

Jess stops and takes a breath of air relizing it felt like she was holding it in for one reason or another.

" Other than that nothing to grand."

Picking up the phone Hope jots something down fast before hearing Rick's voice. After a few days had gone by and she had hurd nothing she almost lots hope that Scott would consent to see her.

"Hello Mr. Johnston, I was starting to wonder if you were going to call back or not."

Pulling out a new file she jots down Scott's name and that he in an out pashent in pending.

"..Ok I got it set up but Mr. Johnston you relize that if I find it better Scott stays here or once I take him as a cliant he trys to harm himself he will have no choise in the matter anymore?! I just want you as Scott's Dr. to understand and know this so there are no saprises."

Drawing silent again Hope looks through a calander on her desk trying to find a good time for Scott to come see her.

"How about Wednsday at 3pm? Would that work?"

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