

Carson looks at Misty, knowing that he wasn't alone with the jumbled thoughts and questions. But neither had time to figure it all out now... neither had sorted through everything in their mind enough to attempt talking it through yet.

Letting her go, he steps back, absentmindedly picking up a towel again, preparing to get back to work with Herb.

Hearing Misty's question, he looks back up quickly, eying her for a moment. She didn't normally come here to eat. He had no reason to be at TJY anytime soon. He didn't even have his own phone. But... yes, he would see her again.

"Yeah." An ever-so-slight smile quirks the corner of his mouth, and a new spark flashes briefly in his eye. "Yeah...you'll see me again."

His faces shows his weariness, his eyes showing how tired he was of the battle he had been fighting. But he had strength to keep going. And somehow... somewhere... this morning had given him a hope that he hadn't felt in a very long time.

Watching Misty pack up and leave, he just stares at the empty doorway for several moments. Part of him almost wondered if all this had really happened. The throb in his finger proved it had, and he looks down at the neat job Misty had done.

Sighing, he finally turns and tries to concentrate on work. "Sorry, Herb," he apologizes. "Where we at?"

Jason slides into the booth at Mom and Pop's, waving his greeting to Aerith. At the same time, he makes a mental note to stop by again soon. It had been a while since he'd actually talked with her, and he missed their conversations.

Wyatt grins as his friend joins him. "Let me guess. This wasn't just a social call."

Jason chuckles. All he'd said on the phone was that he wanted to meet for lunch and Wyatt had agreed. "Can't it be?"

"Not with you." Wyatt shakes his head with humor. "Though you said Katie was coming. That makes it a little more social."

"A little." Jason grabs a napkin to fiddle with. "Naw, just figured the company would be good, and I wasn't going to venture in to TJY today, so I wondered what was happening there."

"Ahh." Wyatt nods. "Well..." He stops, seeing Katie come into the restaurant. His smile widens. "Hey, stranger." He saw her at work all the time, but lately hadn't had much of a chance to talk, and not having her around the office, a bit of life had been missing.

Wyatt holds off on continuing his sentence until they were settled and their orders had been made. "Little bit of excitement this morning..." He rolls his eyes. "I don't know exactly what happened, but by the time I looked, Scott had tripped and fallen or something and Austin was yelling at him about Domino, then Rick was yelling back at him and I don't know what the end result was. A while later I saw Sapphire and Scott leave... I think she took him home."

Jason grits his teeth.

Sounds like the tyrant is still on the warpath. Scott wasn't ready to go home yet... I wonder why Rick let him.

He shakes his head. "How's your dad feel?"

"Terrible." Wyatt leans back in his seat, his ponytail hidden from view. "It's almost like for the first time, his hands are truly tied. And I think it's the first time he's wondered if he belongs somewhere else."

"He was part of TJY from the very beginning!"

"I know... but it's not TJY anymore, Hotshot. Did you know about the signs to the lower level?"


Wyatt cringes. "There are signs on the elevator and stairway doors now that go down to the lower level. They say "Employees Only." Con came late yesterday to work out and ended up stalking out, madder than a hornet. I don't think he even told Jamie he was leaving, he was so upset."

"Aw, come on." Jason rolls his eyes, his anger starting to rise again. He didn't bother keeping a cap on it. He knew Katie would get the brunt of it, but he wasn't going to make himself sick today.

Wyatt shrugs. "None of us know what to do."

"Well... Katie and I haven't exactly been sitting on our hands."


"You didn't hear it from us, but... Austin might be under investigation for an incident or two."

Wyatt lifts an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

"Not a word past this table," Jason warns. "Or we could all have heck to pay." He shakes his head, figuring it best if nothing more was said on that subject. "So Scott went home?"

"I think so. I was going to ask Rick when I got back, then might suggest I, or someone else, go sit and watch the house overnight. I don't want anything happening, especially is first night there."

Phil yawns and glances up at the clock from his seat on the couch. Furrowing his brow, he checks it with his watch. It was nearing one o'clock. That was strange. Kyle only had to work until eleven this morning, and was going to be back here by noon to go over some songs.

Grabbing his cell phone, Phil dials his brother, but gets his voicemail. "It's me... wondered what was up for today. Plans changed? Call me."

Kyle keeps one hand on the steering wheel of his truck, while his other picks up his phone after the message had been left. Listening to it, he simply flips the phone shut again, then tosses the whole thing into the back seat. It would go unanswered the rest of the day.

Turning up the music on the CD player, he presses his foot more firmly on the gas pedal, creating more distance between himself and town.

Scott sits in the middle of the barren living room, the shades drawn, only a dim light being allowed through the cracks. The house was empty... so empty. He had known that it would be this way. He had imagined what it would look like. But seeing it for himself... it was still a shock he did not appreciate feeling.

Pulling his knees up close, he looks up at the empty wall where he used to have frames that showed off his photography. The corner that held all his magazines was empty. There was no furniture. The back room no longer held his computers and cherished cameras. It was all gone.

Sapphire had been kind enough to bring him today, but he hadn't wanted her to go in with him. He'd waited until she was gone to enter alone, Domino as his only company.

Upon arriving, there had been a strange bundle waiting for him with no name as to who had brought it. But it held a blanket and pillow, a bit of food and some dogfood. Scott didn't know who had brought it, but something told him it had originated with Susanne. He wished he didn't need to be looked after like that, but he couldn't complain. It would get chilly in the house tonight... the electricity hadn't even been turned on yet. Logically, it was ridiculous that he wanted to be here. But he just... wanted to be away from TJY. He wanted to be away from all the eyes. He wanted to be away from all the opportunities to continue making a fool out of himself.

He didn't know what would happen after this. He didn't know what tomorrow would bring. He didn't know how he could function now at all. He had no money... he had no transportation... he had absolutely nothing. He didn't like needing to depend on others, but he would have to. Though part of him didn't even care. Part of him wished he could just stay here and fade away so it would be all over. Part of him wished that he never would have been rescued.

Domino comes trotting up to him, seeming to be happy to be back in her old house, but as she tries to play with her master, she receives no response. Giving a little disappointed sigh, she finally gives up and goes to curl up in the corner where her bed used to be.

Scott closes his eyes and rocks back and forth. Never had he faced emotions like this before... never had he ever felt so utterly lost.

And he hated it.

Axel wipes his greasy hands on a rag and walks across the shop, stepping over tools and hoses.

"Yo Grease! You taking that car out?"

Axel shakes his head. "She's coming to pick it up. Bringing the loaner back too." He continues to the office, grabbing a bottle of iced tea from the vending machine. Flopping down in the chair, he glances at the clock, his stomach growling. He'd wait. Just a while longer.

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