

Looking back into Carson's eyes as he pulls away Misty can see the questions that fill them. Some where differnt from her own, yet most were the same. It was hard to give answers to question that you wernt even sure about. All Misty new was this moment, and this moments held feelings. Though they were confusing and held much question on top of question Misty new there would be much to talk about.

Resting her head aganst Carson's for a moment Misty closes her eyes. She didnt want to leave right now, she didnt want to go back to work. But knowing she had to Misty lets out a sigh before looking up at Carson. It felt like if she left she might never see him again though she new that was silly.

"I guess I should be back. I've been lucky so far not to feel the wrath of Austin but I am sure its coming."

Moving away from Carson Misty goes over to the counter to finish packing up her things and grabing her bag before she heads to the door. Stoping Misty turns and looks at Carson, giving a smile. She couldnt help it, she had to ask, she had to reasure herself.

"I'll see you again?"

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