

Pulling the rental car into the parking lot Jess parks it close to the garage. Not sure where alse to take the car she figured this would be good and if it needed to be put somewhere alse she would move it.

Next entering the shop Jess gives a friendly smile though feels a little on edge from all the strange faces that staired at her. Quickly walking to the front counter Jess leans on it a little bit.

"Hi, I'm looking for Axel he said my car was ready."

The man behind the counter throws a smile at Jess and gives a nod to the office.

"Right past those door you'll find him Miss."

Giving a nod of thanks Jess makes her way to the office doors knocking lightly before entering. Keeping the door open behind her Jess eyes rome the room before landing on Axel. A small grin plays on her lips. Having spend several differnt occations with Axel Jess was starting to warm up to him. Remebering her promise of lunch Jess feels a bit of akwardness but why not.

"I parked the rent car out front. I hopes thats ok."

Fiddling with the key for a moment Jess finally puts it on the desk and than takes a step back. Finally looking up again Jess makes her offer though her head still hurt from the night before maybe some company would cure that.

"Thank you again Axel for all the help. Who knows how long I would of been sitting out there if you hadnt come alone. I was wondering too, maybe...that is if your not busy if you would like to grace the rainy day with a raindow at lunch?"

Feeling completely silly for what she just said Jess looks down again. Why she felt all nervouse she wasnt sure. It felt differnt though, not as she was scaired but something...differnt.

Entering Mom and Pop's Katie does even have to look around to already know where to find Jason. He was always in his favrote spot that never changed. The smile on her lips growing bigger as she walked over Jess bends down and gives Wyatt a quick hug.

"Hey you. I know its only been a few days but I have missed seeing ya."

Standing up again Katie slides in next to Jason and gives him a tighter hug and a quick kiss.

"And you...its only been a day, and I ALWAYS talk to you but still...I missed you something awfel."

Pulling away from Jason Katie slids her hand down his arm and interlocks her fingers with Jason before turning her attachen to Wyatt who was talking.

Feeling Jason's anger and feelins well Katie trys her best not to let the slight bit of pain show though she gives Jason's hand a slight squeeze without even relizing it. Her own anger larg from this situation.

Walking over to the table Aerith over hears enough of the conversation to know it was about work. A smile spreading across her face Aerith slids into the booth next to Wyatt.

"Is all you guys ever talk about is work? I feel left out here you know."

Leaning over Aerith gives a kiss to Wyatt cheek before snuggling a little into his side.

Entering the infermary Misty gives a wave to Rick as she walks to her desk. Spotting the flowers that layed there she didnt need to ask why they were from she alreayd new. And like thunder and light coming up unexspectily a clash of emotions is her heart braught a pain that that made her feel lower than low.

Picking up the phone as she sits down Misty knows what she has to do. For the sake of the one she cared about so much she had to do this even if it hurt.

Getting Kyles answering masheen Misty lets out a sigh. She hated talking to these things and she hoped Kyle would get her message.

"Hey you..."

Misty pauses for a moment.

"...I was wondering if your not busy tonight if we could have dinner. Well...get back to be Hun. I L...."

Misty stops for a moment biting her toung. Maybe at one time she would of said it but now everything was so upside down and it tore her apart. No, she couldnt say it for Kyle's sake she couldnt.

"I'll talk to you later."

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