

Jason takes in Katie’s gesture of affection, his hands moving to her shoulders as he bends to receive and return her kiss. Being so close… he couldn’t hold back his emotions. And feeling her like this… his emotions were warm, gently shared with the only other person who could feel them.

As Katie draws away, he straightens and just looks at her as if not even hearing what she’s saying, but finally nods. “Alright. I’ll see you later then.”

Watching her drive away, he ambles to his truck and slides in, aiming for home where he could take care of Trooper.

It's not until later in the day that Jason checks his email from home. And when he does, he discovers what the other agents had been discovering all day. Rules...regulations... rankings... and no Scott to boot.

An anger starts to boil within him... one that he didn't hold back. There was a part of him that was thrilled to see that Katie was finally getting recognized for being a bodyguard. But...he was under Nate now? Officially? And all those that were simply listed as officers... what did Austin think they were? Peons? What did he think he was doing? What was happening to TJY??

Katie, have you read this?

He doesn't even bother to make sure she's not in the middle of something. His eyes roam back over the email, almost like a scanner that would allow his emotions to read and send.

I can't believe this.

Axel cocks his head, looking at Jess as just the corner of his mouth shows a slight grin. His eyes roamed her own with such calculation that one could almost hear the wheels turning in his mind.

Receiving her thanks, he shakes his head. “I do happen to drive a tow truck. But… even if I hadn’t, I still would have stopped.”

Glancing down, then out the windshield, he suddenly seems to almost remember something, that causes him to back off. “At least it isn’t too cold out today. Could have been worse… could have been raining. Of course… then maybe you would have gotten to see a real rainbow.”

It’s only a few minutes until a car comes into view and it slows down, pulling off onto the shoulder. A short man in coveralls comes to the truck, and Axel gets out to greet him. “Hey, Jed, thanks for coming.”

“Sure, no problem. Wanted to get out of the shop anyway.” Jed quirks an eyebrow as he glances over to Jess, and he lets out a low whistle. “I thought you were on the road to pick up cars, not hot chicks.”

Axel gives him a light whack upside the head. “Behave yourself. The rental car is for her, the gas tank is for the truck, then you can help me go back and tow her own car in to the shop.”

Jed grimaces and rubs the side of his head. “Yeah, yeah, alright.” He grumbles as he goes back to the rental car to grab the gas tank. “Always bossing me around, telling me what to do…..”

Axel grins and shakes his head, turning back to Jess, leaning his arms on the open driver-side window. “Your chariot awaits.”

Getting her over to the rental car and settled, Axel taps the roof. “Off you go. I’ll call you and let you know about your car. Just don't go blowing things up anymore, alright?” A grin quirks his mouth once more. "That light is better used in that smile of yours."

Scott drifts in and out of sleep for a while, any dreams he had, making him restless. Rick keeps a close eye on him, trying not to disturb him, but going to him when he thought it necessary.

Finally it was late afternoon and Scott was weary of trying to rest. It just wasn't working. He was over his little episode earlier and felt okay again if he had to go outside the infirmary once more.

Scooting up in bed so he's sitting, he curls his legs around to sit cross-legged, and glance around to find Rick. "Rick?"

The physician turns around quickly, immediately offering a smile. "Yeah, Scott?"

"Can I go home?"

Rick swallows hard. "Do you feel up to it?"

"I just want to go home," Scott mumbles, his eyes falling downward. "I just... I... I want to go home."

Rick wasn't comfortable with that just yet. Scott was awake, walking, and talking... but there was still so many more signs that Rick wanted to see before he could feel good about releasing him. On top of that, the longer he could keep Scott here, the better. Once he left to go home, it was questionable whether he could come back or not. "How about you staying just one more night, hmm?"

Scott's shoulders drop even more. "But..."

Rick shakes his head. Scott wasn't even eating like Rick wanted him to. Come to think of it, he was barely eating anything at all, and that was just adding to the physical strain. If Scott didn't start getting nourishment in himself, Rick would have to put him back on an IV, and neither wanted that. Right now, keeping him here was the only way he could ensure he got taken care of. "Scott... for me? One more night?"

Scott flops backward to stare up at the ceiling. He knew arguing was useless. Who was he kidding anyway? It wasn't like there was that much of a home to go to now anyway.

Jim looks down at Wendy and takes in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Gently, he reaches out to tilt her chin up so he could see her face again.

“I’m sorry too,” he responds quietly.

Seeing the hurt…the worry… the fear in her eyes, broke his heart. Parts of him felt responsible in some ways. He knew he shouldn’t… but what his mind said, and what his heart said were two different things.

“Come here.” Taking Wendy in his arms, he pulls her into a tight, warm, fatherly embrace. "It'll be okay," he soothes.

He hoped it would be. He hoped he had not caused permanent damage with Clint.

Coming here to Wendy... he didn't know what else he should say. Maybe there really was nothing he could say. Maybe just being there was enough. Both Clint and Wendy were receiving enough punishment on their own. Becky was right... now they needed good examples and support, even if they had made such a horrible mistake.

Jim draws away a little bit, forcing a bit of a smile for Wendy's sake. He wouldn't use harsh words with her. No... he regretted the ones he'd already used with his son. "You want to come inside and help get supper with Rosetta and Becky... or do you just want to stay out here?"

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