
Sets in

*Katie gives a thoughtful nod to Jason and smiles bringing her arms around him as they stop at the cars. Looking up into his eyes she cant help but let she smile shine through all the darkness of the situation.*

"Thank you for following me to the end of the earth and back. That means so much knowing I always have someone by my side."

*Leaning in Katie press her soft lips to Jason's as the rush of feelings, emotions and passion rush over her. Never would she tire of the feeling, never would she stop loving it, never would she want to live without it. Each time they kissed it almost felt like they were for the first time all over again. Katie new not many people could say that, and she was glad and charished every moment. Finally pulling away Katie brings her hand to Jason's race and cradles it as her thumb runs over and cheek and than over his lips before withdrawing.*

"I'll give ya a should a little later when I am ready to go back and see Scott or vice versa.

*Giving one last smile and hug Katie finally lets go of Jason and gets into her car speeding down the highway for home.*

*Giving a light tap on the infermary door Jamie pokes her head in and gives a smile seeing Misty at her desk. Entering Jamie looks over to see Scott sleeping and walks to Misty's desk. Standing for just a moment as to not intarupt Misty.*

*Looking up and seeing Jamie Misty smiles and gives her a wave to come in. Smiling Misty looks back down at her paperwork to finish it off quick. Finally pushing the paper aside Misty looks up again. She always liked when Jamie come to see her if Misty didnt get along with anyone it would have to be Jamie.*

"Hey Jamie, how are you?"

*Finally seeing Misty was ready to talk Jamie smiles.*

"Hey Misty. Sorry to bother you but I was wondering...Con and I's friend has some tickets that she needs to get rid of for the caves and we were all going to go on an outing and have some fun before the winter weather really set in. So I was wondering if maybe you and Kyle would like to come alone."

*Thinking for a moment Misty's face lights up. She always liked being asked to go places it really did make her feel welcomed and accepted among the people she worked with.*

"Well I can't speak for Kyle but I'd love to go. I can call him in a few when he goes on lunch and ask than I will let you know."

*Giving a smile and a nod Jamie agrees and starts to head back out of the office.*

*As Jess starts down the road with Axel she trys to relax just a little bit seeing he was trying to give her her space. Jess appresheated that Axel was at least trying and respecting her enough to do so.

As the truck lurches and jerks coming to a slow stop Jess can't help but jump and tense up just a bit. For a few moment Jess mind races and she is not sure what to think or do. Just keeping her stair out the window Jess trys not to let the differnt movments Axel did make her jump. Finally as Axel calls for someone to come and get them Jess turns her head and looks at him. If he ment any harm he wouldnt have called for help. Relaxing just a little bit again Jess searches Axel's face and finally a smile breaks out over her own as a small laugh escapes her lips.*

"Well I am happy this wasnt my frist time meeting you. I dont think it would of said much for first impressions."

*Turning so she can see Axel better Jess finally relaxes even more and gets into a more comfort zone though her guard is up still if need be.*

"Thank you by the way. Even if you did run out of gas it was nice of you to stop and pick me up."

*Hearing the knock at the door and her name being called Wendy slowly opens her eyes and stairs at the wall for a moment of the bunk house. She didnt want to move, she didnt want to get up, she didnt walk to talk to anyone, but she new if she didnt answer the door than that would no nothing but prove that maybe she was angry at people she shouldnt be. The only one she had a right to be angry at was herself. Sitting up in the bed Wendy slowly moves and heads to the door. Opening it Wendy squints as the lights hit her bloodshot eyes the only proved she had been crying. Seeing Jim she lowers her eyes and is quiet for a moment before speeking.*

"I'm sorry."

*Was the only think she could manage to say."

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