
Does not always have to be...

*Going over the email one more time Katie sits back in her chair and lets out a long frustrated sigh. Some of the changes sounded good and she liked that she had the title as bodyguard now but...something didnt feel right, she didnt like it. Something felt wrong out of place. Was it that Scott was on the list or that everyone had titles now she wasnt sure. It just didnt feel the same anymore and the friendly atmusphere was gone. Feeling the emotions inside of her bubble Katie closes her eyes for a second to try and regroup but Jason's suddin burst of emotions makes her jumps and almost lose her laptop onto the floor. Catching it and standing up a little bit Katie blinks before replying regaining her composure.

Yeah I just read it and than I reread it again.

Closing her laptop with a disgusted scoff Katie stands and puts her laptop back on her desk glancing outside for a moment.

What is Austin doing Jason? TJY dont even feel the same anymore. It feels like everything we worked for, everything we faught for was for nothing. I dont understand it.

Looking away from the window Katie goes and sits on her bed. She felt like she wanted to cry, she felt like she wanted to scream. Everything that was happing was so confusing and make no sence.*

*Jess lets out a small sigh but not one of discust or anger more of thoughtfulness.*

"...A real rainbow is whatever a person looks at it. It dont always have to be what you see in the sky."

*Seeing Jed Jess gives a wave and a small smile just listing to him and Axel chat. For a moment Jess almost gets lost in thought as she just watches Axel. The way he talked, the way he moves as if seeing what made him tick. Relizing she was stairing Jess gets out of the truck and walks over to the rental car getting in. Taking a moment to check where everything was Jess finally starts the car up. Rolling down the window she leans her arm out and gives Axel's own a gentil pat.*

"Thank you again Axel. This means alot."

*Getting ready to pull away and make her way to work Jess can't help but let her smile grow even more at Axel's comment as she can feel her cheeks truning red. Sticking her hand out and giving a wave Jess pulls away and heads down the road giving one more glance in the mirror to see Axel.*

*As Jim pulls Wendy into a hug she feels a bit of comfort. It was nice to know that though Jim might be upset he was trying to give her support and that made her feel good, but nothing would make her feel better than seeing Clint right now but something in the back of her mind told her right now that wouldnt happen.

Just staying in Jim embrace for a moment Wendy calms her self down a little more though she till felt like crying she new she had to be stronge for the sake of the life she carryed inside of her.

Drawing away Wendy trys to force a small smile out and gives a nod to Jim showing she was thankful even if she didnt say it. Right now she had little words to speak as she was so unsure about what the future was to hold in a way it was rather frighting and something she just needed to work through.*

"I..think I am going to wait here for now..."

*..Wendy looks to the road for a moment where Clint had gone. Though she new she could feel he wouldnt be back tonight she still had hope. Yes just a little while longer.*

"..I'll be up to the mess hall a little bit later."

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