
Far from old

Rick looks over to Scott for several long moments, listening to Misty. Finally he nods. "Agreed. I'll talk to Reese about it tomorrow and we'll go from there. In the meantime I guess we just try to make Scott comfortable. I know he wants to go home, but... I don't know. I haven't decided yet if that's a good idea or not."

Scott has his back turned to the other two as his eye stares at the wall. One would think he couldn't hear Rick and Misty's hushed tones, but they would be wrong. He could hear just enough to know what they were talking about. All it did was hit a numb wall though. He supposed he couldn't even think for himself anyway, even if he wanted to.

Pulling the blanket up further, he sinks his head more into his pillow, trying to block out the world... the cold cruel world.

Con returns Jamie's kiss and smiles. Hearing about Katie's suspension, his eyebrows rise and he opens his mouth to respond, but Jamie is already going back to work.

Confused, he opts not to bug her with it for now. "Alright, I'll see you later then." He straightens off the cubicle wall and aims down the walkway. Instead of heading downstairs first, his destination has just become Reese's office.

For the next fifteen minutes, the door remains closed, voices quiet, but tension thick. Then the door is finally open, revealing that Con has left Reese's office and gone to Austin's.

“Hey, Austin.” Con extends his hand to shake Austin’s, after he’d entered the office.

“Con!” Austin smiles, returning the gesture. “Glad to see you. How are you?”

Con nods. “Not too bad.”

“What brings you here?”

“Oh, just working out and seeing a few people. Wanted to say hi to you too since I heard you were back.”

“Well, I’m glad you did.”

“Looks like Texas treated you well.”

“It did.” Austin nods. “Was nice being around the gang for so long. Part of me wanted to stay, but duty calls I guess.”

Con grins. “Hate it when that happens.”

“Any plans on ever coming back here?”

Con shakes his head and gestures to his ear. “Can’t be out in the field without being able to hear half of what I used to, and I don’t plan on being put behind a desk. Besides, I didn’t think TJY was looking for any new hands.”

Austin shrugs. “You know we always are.”

Con chuckles. “True… true. Speaking of hands, I was gonna see Jase and Kat today but doesn’t look like they’re around. They out on a case?” He eyes Austin, looking for the truth. He already knew it… he’d gotten more facts from Reese, but he wasn’t about to tell Austin that.

Austin hesitates, folding his arms across his chest. “Uh…no. Actually, they, um… They’ve both been suspended, Con.”

“Suspended?” Con lifts his eyebrows, acting surprised. “Both of them? What were they doing, kissing in the hall or something?”

Austin smirks at the joke. “No, actually they were attacking me.”

“What? Well how? Or why?”

“Long story. Apparently they were upset about something. I had no choice but to suspend them. They’ll be back in the office in a couple weeks.”

Con forces a wry grin. “Yeah, well, not the first time Hotshot’s been suspended, eh?”

“No…that’s certainly true.”

“Hmm.” Con nods a little and looks around as if fishing for small talk. “Guess while I’m here, I should go see Scott too. Heard he was on his way to recovering. Figure everyone here is pretty happy to have him back.”

“Yes…yes,” Austin muses. “Feel pretty bad for him, but there’s just no way we can afford two tech guys, ya know? I’m sure he’ll make it though. He’s a bright kid.”

“What do you mean? You’re firing him?”

“I prefer to say we’re letting him go,” Austin counters.

“Oh. I see. So…you just keeping him here until…”

“Until Rick gives him a clean bill of health. Apparently he gave TJY his house in his makeshift will before we thought he died, but it will be signed back over to him.”

“Oh, well that’s generous.” Con let just a bit of sarcasm slip.

Austin quirks an eyebrow. “I think Dalton is the better choice for a tech guy anyway. He’s not as prone to accidents, and has a more stable head on his shoulders than Scott.”

“Hmm. Well, yeah, I guess when it comes down to it, you’d rather have the brawn and brain than heart anyway. I mean… just having a good heart can’t get you anywhere nowadays can it? It’s probably the wisest choice, choosing the newer, tougher man over the scrawny little nerd who’s been faithful for years.”

Austin eyes Con a little suspiciously, picking up on the slight sarcasm again. “Yes…for TJY’s best interest, of course.”

“Of course!” Con chuckles. “Got to have the best for the Elite. I heard you were the big boss now too. Congrats on that. Making any exciting changes around here?”

“Well, Carter and I implemented some structure in rankings.”

“Really? No more of this ‘everybody’s equal’ thing anymore, huh?”

“Nah, it really wasn’t a healthy method for this organization, especially now that we’re no longer underground. Structure is necessary.”

“Kinda helps to enforce ‘what the boss says goes’ doesn’t it?”

Austin chuckles. “Exactly.”

“Yeah, poor Reese – he’s been questioned and challenged so much by the others. I bet he’s glad he won’t have to do that anymore. I mean… now it’ll just be a known fact that if you argue, you’re out.”

“Something like that. I’d like to think that most around here won’t argue though.”

“With you?” Con shakes his head. “Who would want to argue with you? I mean, you’ve been gone for over a year, but surely your methods and ideas wouldn’t contradict anyone else’s here.”

“I would hope not.”

“Well…” Con shrugs. “Apparently those two rebels had a problem with something though.” He nonchalantly reverts back to Jason and Katie. “What was that about anyway?”

Austin hesitates. “Oh, it was nothing.”

“Nothing? For them two to attack you? Did they jump you, or what?”

“In a manner of speaking.”

“So…” Con fishes for more. “What were they so upset about?”

Austin opens his mouth, but then shuts it again, straightening just a little. “I’m sorry, Con, but I’m not at liberty to say.”

Con does well at hiding his disappointment. Austin had never used those words with him. For years, since Con had been here then had been Austin’s personal bodyguard, they’d been able to speak freely to each other about anything. And now… Austin was purposely withholding information from him. It stung just a little bit. “That’s okay, I understand. Well…” He sighs and looks around. “Guess I better go downstairs if I want to get out of here at a decent time.”

“Alright. Glad you stopped in.”

“Yeah. We’ll, uh… have to do lunch sometime or something.”


Con pauses, looking down at Austin for another moment before finally turning and exiting the office. Only after he’s back out on the main floor does his face change to one of anger. His fists balled up at his sides, he doesn’t go downstairs like planned, but heads to the exit instead. He wasn’t going to sit around here anymore today. Austin had given him no answers, but that was good enough. Something was wrong…very wrong. And apparently Con no longer had a right to know. He knew he wasn’t a part of TJY anymore…Austin had every right to withhold information from him. But…still…

Austins attitude about Scott burned him up, and so did his apparent lack of care about Jason and Katie. Con was too upset to stay today... his visit and workout would just have to wait.

Passing by Jamie’s cubicle, Con sticks his head in just long enough to lean down and give her a quick kiss. “See you at home for lunch.” His tone is cool, and without waiting for a response, he heads out.

Brown grins at Katie's congratulations and nods. "Thank you. Several resignations and the popular vote does help things sometimes."

Easing down in his chair, he leans back and listens, never seeming tired or bored, but intent on gaining understanding of what was going on. Raising his eyebrows a few times shows he's taking in the story, but he remains respectfully quiet until Katie has finished.

Thinking a moment, he looks at Jason. "And what say you?"

"Couldn't have put it better myself. Though I probably would have been harsher," Jason admits.

Brown can't help a slight grin. "At first I was confused as to why on earth you were coming to me about a mentally unstable friend, and I was ready to give you some numbers to call. But... I'm guessing now that this is an Elite agent by the name of Scott Johnson."

Jason glances to Katie, then back to Brown, nodding.

"Mm-hmm..." Brown squints a little. "And... I'm also guessing that this person you believe was wrong, is none other than you grandfather, Jason."

Jason grits his teeth, but has to nod. "You got it."

"Why didn't you want to give me names?"

"Would you? We're already on suspension starting today."

Brown cocks his head. "Took this into your own hands first eh?"


Brown nods again. "I think it's time I tell you that I already have a report." He leans back around to his filing drawers and pulls out a folder. "This was waiting for me when I got in to work this morning. It's as full written report from Austin about a certain interrogation."

Jason's eyes widen. "Why would... Or... does it..."

Brown leans forward, resting his arms on his desk to be closer to Jason and Katie. "Because he was thorough. To have this on record is to pronounce innocence. He mentions methods of interrogation which do not go against codes and regulations, let alone the Elite's own rulebook. It does comply with your story. It says that Austin and another Agent, Jerry Edmonton, paid Scott a visit, took him to the interrogation room and questioned him. The reason was exactly as you said, Katie, to ensure information had not leaked into the wrong hands - primarily the Agency."

He pauses, looking between the two young agents. "However, what wasn't stated, was what kind of mental condition Scott was in. You've implied that his experience was traumatic enough that is unstable. What exactly is unstable?"

Jason purses his lips in thought.

We might as well tell him everything. We don't have anything to lose. I can't tell yet if he's on our side or not.

"He's scared of his own shadow at the moment. Depressed...withdrawn... He has nightmares and minor flashbacks. We don't know yet the extent of what the Agency did to him, but it was bad enough to turn him into a different person."

Brown thinks, considering the entire circumstance. "Has he been professionally diagnosed?"

"No... it's just been our observation."

"Hmm." Brown is quiet again for several more moments. "Well, first off, I'm glad you told me." He nods to Katie. "I appreciate knowing the other side of things, even though I already had a report. I was under the impression that this was normal procedure on someone who was mentally stable. Now I know better. Second, I agree that this probably shouldn't have happened. I'm disappointed to hear that Austin would put Scott in that position, and that he would even do that to anyone who wasn't in their right mind... That in itself could be meaningless because no testimony of Scott's could even hold up in a court of law if it was proven he was unstable at the time of the interrogation. So moral issues aside, it wasn't legally smart."

Brown pauses once more, still thinking...still leaning forward on his desk. "Unfortunately, I'm not sure there's anything that can be done, other than an official reprimand if that's what you want, though I doubt that would do anything but get you two into more trouble. Without proof of physical or verbal abuse, you have nothing. Even then, the line between interrogation and abuse is a fine one. It would be hard to prove that there was actual foul play here. And even then if you could prove it, it would require Scott's own testimony, but if he's in as bad a shape as you say, that could cause him more undue trauma."

He stops, sighing deeply. "I received notice three weeks ago that Austin would be taking over as Chief of the Elite branch and that Carter was resigning. As such, I cannot pull rank on him, or order him to do anything. Now, if there are enough people at the Elite who feel the same way you do, and they are all willing to sign petitions that say they feel Austin is unfit to be the leader, that could be presented in court to a judge, and Austin could be overthrown and his title removed. I'm not sure you want to go to that extreme, or if it's actually necessary thought."

Brown looks at Katie for a moment, then Jason, then back again, letting them think. "If Austin has done nothing legally wrong, it's going to be hard to do anything. Unfortunately, you're part of the system now, and it's the way it works. Now... I instigated the whole thing for TJY to become the Elite, which as given law enforcement a new branch, and has kept all of you out of prison. I'm still glad the Elite is there, and I respect all of you agents, knowing you live up to the name. But...the one drawback for you is that you're no longer underground, and that you do answer to higher authority now. That can work for you, or against you. Right now, it's working for Austin and against you."

He shakes his head slowly. "I'm not sure I even have any advice for you, other than to roll with the punch, sit it out, and wait and see what happens. If you cause too much trouble and get fired, you do your department and fellow agents no good. Now, if you want, I can see Austin and feel him out to see if he has any motives here that don't conicide with the law. But right now....without any actual illegal activity...that's the best I can do."

Axel quirks a grin at Jess' comment. "Well... I have to admit... I've never been called a rainbow before." He chuckles. "But I guess it's better than being the raincloud."

He sighs and surveys the situation. "Tell you what... since you're already late, let me give you a ride to work in the truck. Then I'll come back and tow this brute in to the shop and give you a call later to give you the bad news. We've got a couple rental cars if need be too."

He cocks his head to the truck, eyeing Jess with the question of whether or not she would trust him.

The woman nods readily to Mabel. "Yes, I'm Sally Renandez. He probably won't know my name though. You can just tell him it's about the dog he has."

Sally waits expectantly, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, a little bit nervous. "I am sorry if I'm disturbing him, but this is very important."

Clint can only tighten his grip around Wendy. It took all the inner strength he had not to let his worry and fear out. His mind was still reeling, and he felt just a little bit sick.

He rocks Wendy for a moment, not even sure what answers he could give her. But he had to... She was looking to him for help. And if anyone needed to take the lead, it was him, whether he wanted to or not. He was so not ready for this... but there was nothing else to do. He knew good and well there was no other option than seeing this thing through. Not keeping the baby was not even something that would be considered, and he knew it. It was just.... what... how...

Swallowing his questions, he gives Wendy a squeeze, then shifts so he can see her face. "We'll go back to the ranch," he answers quietly. "Then you go and talk to your mom or your mom and Luke or whatever, while I talk to my own parents." He wasn't sure why, but for now, that felt best. If his parents were going to be upset, he didn't want Wendy there to hear it.

"And then..." He hesitates. What then? He hadn't a clue. "Then we take it one minute at a time." They had made a big mistake... but surely the Lord wouldn't leave them.

Letting Wendy sit with him for a few more minutes, Clint finally moves to get up, gathering up the leftover lunch that neither wanted anymore.

The ride back to the ranch is a quiet one. Clint finds himself reaching over to hold Wendy's hand, hoping that he could offer some comfort to her. He was so confused. He was so scared. Never had he regretted a decision more than now. He loved Wendy... but this had been the furthest thing from their minds.

Arriving in the ranch yard, Clint parks the pickup, and just sits for several moments. Looking over to Wendy, he offers the best smile he can. "It'll be okay..." It had to be. And it was better to face the music as soon as possible than wait. Waiting would just make things worse.

"You go on to your house and... and I'll go to my parents." He looks at his watch. "Then come on over to my bunk, alright? And we'll talk some more."

Brushing her cheek with his hand, he slides out of the pickup. Making sure Wendy is well on her way, he looks to the bunkhouse that had been enlarged and converted for his parents and Rosalyn. Never had he been more scared.

Time ticks by. Curious eyes question the tension in the air. Questioning minds wonder at the absence of others. And the minutes move by more slowly than some would like, and with more heightened emotions than some would like to endure...

“Of all the… What were you thinking?!”

“I’m sorry, alright?!”

“It doesn’t matter! I thought you knew better than that!”

“So I was stupid. You happy now?!”

“No, I’m not happy! I though I raised you better!”

“You didn’t raise me at all!”

“So that’s your excuse?”

“It’s not like I was out every night! There’s only ever been Wendy and it was only once!”

“Once is all it takes! Where was your head?!”

Becky frowns as she folds towels out in the hallway. A tear fills her eye and she sighs deeply.

Rosalyn comes up behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder, inwardly cringing at all the yelling going on in the closed room.

Becky turns and forces a smile at her daughter. “You alright?”

Rosalyn shrugs. “Yeah, sure, I’m fine. It’s my brother I’m worried about.”

Becky sets a towel aside and nods. “It’ll all work out.”

“If Dad doesn’t kill him.”

“Oh… he won’t.” Becky sighs again. “He’s just upset.”

“Well there’s not much that can be done now.”

“No… but your father has an awful lot of regrets mixed in here.”

Rosalyn tries to understand. “You mean about not being there when we were kids?”

Becky nods. “Yeah.”

“Well he certainly can’t blame himself for any of this.”

Becky turns again to pull her daughter into a hug. “It’ll all work out,” she repeats.

Both women jump as the bedroom door flies open. Clint stalks by without a word, his face red from the argument, emotion surging through his eyes. He hadn't expected this to go well, but the tongue-lashing from his father after the news had been sprung on the family was enough to make him hate ever telling them at all.

Rosalyn skids out of the way, reaching out to his arm with desperation. “Clint…”

“Leave me alone,” he growls and shrugs off her hand, continuing to the door. He couldn't think straight. He couldn't feel right. There was too much confusion... too much turmoil. It just... he.... Exiting the little house, he lets the door slam shut behind him. Plans for the rest of the day were forgotten.

Rosalyn looks after him. “But…”

Becky stops her from following her brother. “Leave him be. He’s got to work this one out on his own.”

Not five minutes later, a motorcycle engine can be heard revving, then roaring into the distance towards a destination known to no one.

Rosalyn looks to her mother with worry, but is prompted to go outside.

"Go keep yourself busy," Becky recommends. "He'll be back, don't worry."

Rosalyn hesitates, but does as she's told, wandering outside, then to the barn where Mick had told her he had a job for her to do if she had the time.

Becky waits, then slowly enters the bedroom and sees Jim sitting on the edges of the bed, bent, with his face in his hands. She watches him for a moment, then approaches quietly, easing down next to him. Reaching out, she gently runs a hand over her husband’s back, saying nothing and knowing that he’ll speak when he wishes.

Jim feels his wife close and just sits, his mind going a million directions at once. “Did I do something wrong? Did I teach him wrong? Is it my fault?”

“Oh, Jim… no. You’ve done all you can. Even the years you weren’t there, you were still an influence.”

“Then why? Why would he make this decision?”

Becky shakes her head. “Because he’s human. He made a mistake.”

“So I shouldn’t have said anything?”

“No…there are consequences to his actions and he needs to realize it. But…”

“But what? I should let him think I approve?” Jim lifts his head to stare at his wife. “Does he not realize what this has done? Does he not realize that he’s now emotionally and financially responsible for this girl and their child? Does he not realize that this takes away every bit of freedom he had left? That no plans are the same anymore? That any ideas for his future are now gone? That he’s now tied down? That it’s no longer just about him anymore? Does he realize that life as he knew it is completely inside-out now? He talked of trips and jobs and going places… does he realize that probably none of that will happen now? All the plans he had with friends...does he realize it's all gone now?”

Becky lets Jim vent, still rubbing his back, remaining quiet. “If he doesn’t…he will. But there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s been done. He can’t go back and change it. And I can’t imagine what he’s going through inside right now, thinking of all these things. He’s had to become a man in one instant, and you know that’s not easy. That’s probably enough punishment in itself… knowing that all your plans and ideas for the future are now wiped out.”

Jim sighs deeply. “Yeah…I suppose.”

“Do you know what he’s going to do? We talk as if we know he will stick it out.”

“No…I don’t know,” Jim admits. “But there’s a girl who’s gonna need him.”

“It was her choice too, Jim. You can’t blame it on Clint alone.”

“Yeah, I know… I just wish… I don’t know… I guess I don’t want to see them have to go through this… They haven’t even grown up yet.”

“Then we pray. We pray that good will come of this and that we’ll be able to see God in it, despite bad choices.”

“They’re so young…
Clint's only twenty-three. Wendy is only nineteen. ”

“I was eighteen when you proposed to me.”

“You’ve also said you thought you married and had kids too young.”

Becky thinks for a moment. “Yes… it took away freedoms that I wanted… it forced me to grow up faster than I wanted… Maybe I regretted it at the time. But I loved you, and that’s what mattered the most… staying with you and my family. And now… now my kids are grown up and fending for themselves. And it’s just you and me again. I worried once that my life was ruined because I married so early. But now… it was so long ago. I can do whatever I want to now, and I still have you.”

She shakes her head. “I don’t agree with what’s happened here, and yes, I think Wendy’s young, and I think Clint has a lot of growing up to do. But that doesn’t mean it has to end on a sour note for them. If they have enough support around them, they can make it. They have to face the consequences of their choices, yes, and they have to face the reality of what’s happening. But be glad they told us… all we can do now is love them in spite of this and show them how real families work. They were wrong. But they have a punishment greater than us yelling at them.”

Jim straightens up and turns to his wife, reaching up to cradle her face with his hand. “Your heart is so big… I love you.”

Becky smiles, her eyes shining. “I love you too.” She takes his hand in hers, a smile curling the corner of her mouth. “You’re gonna be a grandpa.”

A chuckle escapes Jim’s lips. “You make me sound old.”

“Oh, you’re far from old.” Becky leans in to give him a tender kiss. “You’ll always be young to me.”

Jim returns her smile, pulling her into a hug. “I don’t know how I ever lived without you.”

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