
Trust him

*As Con makes his exit Jamie is a bit confused. He surly hadnt been done with his workout already he had? Than looking back down once again at the email she just went over her confustion grows even more. Things were changing and Jamie want sure if they were for good or not. Maybe thats why Con left in such a rush. Letting out a long sigh Jamie goes back to her work trying to get all she could done before lunch when she could go home and talk more with Con.*

*Katie sits back and listens to Brown. Everything he was saying sinking in, being mulled over and played back as the words come to her. Some things he said made sence and somethings he said made none. Proof...they had to have proof.

I wonder if the camra's at TJY picked up anything. From what Scott said and how he acted I just wonder if Austin used force. Might work to our advantage.

Continuing to listen Katie can't help her mind from wondering anyways. Almost as if this was a puzzle being put together Katie wanted to find the peaces to this whole mess.

Once Brown is done talking Katie is quiet for a moment just thinking studying Brown's face. Finallying giving a nod she stands.*

'Thank you for your help and information. Before the week is out I am sure we will be in touch again."

*Starting to make her way for the door Katie stops and turns once again giving a sweet smile.*

"Congrats once again."

*Once exiting the office Katie's face slowly changes to a more thoughtful on and though the smile does not leave it, it dimes just a little bit.

I'm not to sure if I trust him or not J. Though I do want to take a look at thoughts camras maybe tonight once everyone is gone. What do you think?*

*Jess can't help but give a small laugh at Axel's mention to being a raincloud or a rainbow. Something about how he had said it just struck a funny bone. Taking a step twords Axel's truck Jess stops for a moment just looking at it. A tiny hint of fear seemed to seap into her heart. She didnt know Axel..he seemed nice, but she really didnt know anything about him. Turning her head to look at him for a moment, a faint want to trust him flashes in her eyes as she weaghs her options. She was late as it was and needed a ride. She had nothing alse she could do but trust him. She had to...fear couldnt hold her back forever.*

"O...ok. I'll catch a ride with you into town."

*Stepping forward before anything more could be said Jess makes her way to the truck and opens the door sliding in. Keeping her hands folded in her lap she trys to calm herself by looking out the window trying to consintrate on anything but what was happing now.*

*Mable nods to the woman and turns to head into the kitchen only stoping for a moment to look back at her. She still was not sure about this but there was nothing alse she could do.

Continuing her rout to the kitchen Mable peeks her head in clearing her throut to let the two men know she was there. Looking to Carson her eyes fill with worry not sure what to exspect from this.*

"Carson, sorry to bother you but there is a woman here that says she needs to talk to you about a dog. She sounded like it was pretty important. Did you want to talk to her or have me tell her your not in yet?"

*Mable stands in the doorway waiting for Carson's reply only looking to her husband for a moment for reasurance.*

*Wendy sits with her head down acorss the table from her mom and Luke the tention running high in the room. An awkward silance rains. Wendy being unable to even look up at her mother. No yelling, no hurtful words came but the look of disapointment was enough to make one think that yelling was a far less punishment.*

"...Do you relize its not cheap to raise a child? There are so many bills and responsiblitys that come along with it."

*Wendy lets out a sigh as her mom finaly speaks.*

"I know."

"I thought you new better, what happend? what went wrong?"

"I don't know...I guess...we made a mistake."

"Your darn right you made a mistake. One that will live with you forever now."

*Wendy keeps her eyes down as she picks at her own fingers. She new Clint and herself had made a wrong choise. She new they got lost in a moment, and all sence of what was right and wrong flew out the window, she new what they did was a sin. The punishment now was a greater on than anyone could ever bestoy on another.*

*Angel gives a shake of her head as she lets out another long sigh. She was stuned by what her daughter had told her, she was shocked that this had happend. Wendy had been the last person ever she thought she had to worry about and now...all that had changed. Wendy wasnt her little girl anymore. Over night she had grown and now was being forced to grow up even more. Angel's baby was having her own baby now.

Standing Angel walks around the table and puts a hand on her daughters shoulder before bending down and bringing her into a hug. No matter how upset Angel was Wendy was her daughter and she needed her. Now more than ever. God had a plan for this, there was a reason and out of something bad Angel was sure good was right around the courner.*

"Don't worry we will get through this Wendy."

*Releasing her daughter from the hug a small tear runs down Angel's face as she steps back and makes her way to the bedroom shutting the door behind her where she can let her own tears filled with emotions run free.*

*Sitting alone at the table now everything was quiet. The sun was starting to sink below the harizon and the night sounds were making themself known. Finally standing Wendy makes her way outside and takes a deep breath of air. The look on her mothers face still running strong in her mind. Looking around the ranch yard for a moment only a few lights are on giving a soft glow. Making her way off the pourch Wendy walks acorss the damp grass making her way to Clint's bunk house where they said they would meet.

Giving a knock to the door Wendy is greeted by silence. Figuring Clint was still talking to his parents himself she opens the door slowly and makes her way to his bed sitting down to wait for his return.*

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