
all the same

*Dalton just watches as Scott leaves the office. He's been though alot, and Dalton could only imagen the pain he was in. Scott's problem made Dalton's own seem so small. Maybe thats why somwhere he felt bad for this person he hardly even new.

Turning back to his computer Dalton starts to work again. After a few moments of messing around a message pops up on his computer informing him he had a new email. Rolling his eyes to himself he clicks a few buttons to bring up the email. He might as well read it now while no one was bothering him.

As Dalton reads the email he raises an eyebrow to himself. He hadnt been here long but he had hurd talk back home about how everything was run over here and now that he was actully here things were turning out to be alot differnt than he had exspected and he wasnt sure how he felt about it. Going over the list once again Dalton relizes that Scott's name was not present on the list. Surly this must be a mistake, now that Scott was bad and once he was better they would give him his job back. But why was he not on the list. Pushing it aside for now Dalton keeps it in the back of his mind so when he saw Austin later he could ask about it.*

*Misty looks to Scott with sympothy in her eyes. Every day that Scott didnt get better she felt more helpless. How true Rick's statment was, and how it hurt to know they could do nothing.*

"Unfortintuly, I do believe your right. We heal and ment pysical wounds, but when it comes to the mind, soul and heart that is uncharted tarritory for us. We might end up doing more harm than good."

*Looking back to Rick Misty's face shows how much she caired and how hard it was for to even say the words that they probley couldnt help Scott. But it was true and Scott needed help before for him it was to late.*

*Jamie looks up at Con and gives a smile ignoring the message for now that she had a new email. Seeing Con always braught a smile to her face and she never tired of it.*

"Lunch sounds good to me, its cold enough outside that I dont need you being colder and getting sick on me."

*Jamie can't help the smile that spreads across her face as she finally stands and wraps her arms around Con's neck to pull him a little closer to her and places a soft kiss on his lips before pulling away again. Her eyes just searching his face for a long moment.*

"Austin is down the hall last I checked in Carters office. I've been pretty indepth in my work since Katie got saspended. I have to try and do this all alone now."

*Sitting back down at her desk Jamie lets out a sigh but the smile remains on her face.*

"Just let me know when your done and I will be ready to head out with you ok Hun."

*Turning back to her computer Jamie pops open her email to see what new ones she had.*

*At the mention of Brown getting a premotion Katie raises an eyebrow. Was coming to talk to him a good thing? Everything and everyone and there premotions seemed to be happening in sink and Katie couldnt help but wonder if it was all linked.

Making her way down the hall Katie is pretty quiet. Not even sure herself what she was going to say to the Cheif and how funny it sounded to say that. Coming to the door Katie looks to Jason for a moment and smiles.

Here goes nothing.

Giving a good knock Katie waits for a moment untill they are cleared to enter. Smiling at the Cheif as he greets them Katies enters and finds a chair to sit in.*

"Heya, Congrats on your premotion. Sounds like your doing good for youself."

*Drawing scilent for a moment Katie collects her thoughts and calms her nerves. She wasnt really nervouse about talking to the Cheif but more nearvouse he wouldnt listen to what she had to say. Giving a sigh Katie stratens just a little bit before speaking.*

"I had a question I guess I wanted to ask you because I am not to sure about it myself. I though if I got you opion on it maybe it would help me understand or you could help me in what steps I should take to help correct it.

You see Jason and I have a friend who has been through alot, and well he is not exacly mentaly stable. He's healing on the outside just fine but on the inside he is pretty messed up still."

*Katie's face shows much consern and the anger to what had happend. Her own face and eyes told a story that this bothered her greatly and was a big deal to her.*

"..anyways, there was a change that he could of leaked information about certin things that are pretty important but considering his state of mind at the moment we had decied that it was best that we continue to let him heal mentily as to not cause him anymore damage. A few days later another person came in...."

*Katie continues to tell the story to Cheif Brown leaving out names and that this had to do with TJY at all though she was sure he could put two and to together. She explained to him about how upset it made her and how it had messed Scott up even more as well. Stressing strongly about how she thought what happend was wrong and felt something should be done about it.*

"...so I think all in all it could of been handled differntly, and something should be done now."

*Kaite looks to Jason before looking back at the Cheif. She hoped he understood her and would listen offering help, or something on what to do next.*

*Wendy leans into Clint not to sure that she even believed him that everything would be ok. She wanted to but she was so unsure herself right now what would happen.*

"So now what do we do Clint? I'm scaired and I've never been scaired like this before, but I feel so lost. Should we tell our parents together? or sepreat? I dont...I never....what do we do?"

*Wendy cant help but just burry her face into Clint more. She felt like she wanted to cry but the tears wouldnt come. The feeling of wanting to hide lingered, and yet there was no place to go.*

*Seeing the truck pass her and than back up Jess is thankful for that. Sliding off the hood and hearing Axel's jear she can't help but laugh and let a smile cross her face.*

"Dance near the flame, set the engine on fire its all the same in the end right? Something is burning."

*Shaking her own head Jess holds up her cell phone to show that it was not turned on.*

"You know what they say when it rains it pours right, well my car died, I am late for work, and I have no way of calling anyone because my phone is dead. But than again I guess in every rainstorm comes a rainbow and you just happen to be that. I could use the help."

*Looking back at the woman Mable quirks an eyebrow at the woman but than offersa friendly smile. It wasnt often someone came in looking for Carson and it made her a bit leery as to offering help to a random stranger but Mabel new she had to at least be nice.*

"I can see if he is in yet. Who can I tell him is looking for him?"

*Mable keeps her smile held as she looks back at the woman.*

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