

*As Katie gets into the van ready to leave thew site she sits by Jason but away a bit. She didn't know how she felt through the sadness. Her tears had stopped but on the inside they were still raging as the invisable tears fell. Turning her head to where the badge was set on the dashbored Katie just stairs at it for a moment. So many things still running through her head and the pain ran through her heart. Looking away Katie looks out the window and the van lerches forward. The scenes passing buy as the silence lingers.

Once back to TJY Kaite makes her way inside slowly. Walking between Jason and Nate they prove to be a barryer for her. Though keeping her eyes on the ground Katie trys to stay clam knowing there were many people around and what the act of her raging emotions could do.

Turning and looking up at Con feeling his strong arms around her Katie feels almost numb but the liqued from her eyes proves she's not. Wrapping her arms around Con Katie just stands her face burryed into his brawd chest the sobs soft.*

*As Reese message to join him in Scott office rings forth Sapphire is the first to whipe the tears from her eyes and slowly make her way down to her brother office. She'd never been to close with her brother but non that less he was her twin after all. Memorie run through her mind as she walks of when they were young and insepratable. Scott has always looked out for her and school and she for him, but over time they started to drift apart. Both going there own way there bond never broke and they were always there when the other one needed the other. Now, now that Scott was gone the emptyness remained. As if a sting had been cut, there was now a hole.*

*Slowly Katie follows Jason and Con into Scott office. For a moment stoping in the doorway and looking around the room. One who had visited this office offten would exspect to see Scott sitting in the spinning chairs , or to hear his jokes or laughs. But not today. Not on this sad day. Scott would not be back, he would no longer step into this room again.

Moving all the way inside Katie goes to the far wall and leans aganst it resting. Waitng...holding her pain in. Trying to keep the tears from her eyes.*

*As Nate hears his name he can't help the smile the spreads across his face as her makes a tumbs motion and words slip from his lips.*

"You know me all to well buddy. Nothing better than bad guy but kicking. I'll keep that first thing in mind as well.*

*Than gently his puts his arm over Laura's shoulder and pulls her in. Keeping her held tightly but gently. Offering his comfort to her, a small smile on his face from Scott's words. What a good guy he was, that Nate would never forget. From now on, each case won, would be for Scott.*

*Misty keeps her hand on the side of her face as her other across her chest. She didn't know Scott as well as the other but from what she did know he had a heart of gold. She had been honnered to get to know him, even though it was so unfair he was taken away all to soon.*

*As Sapphire listens to her brother last words to her a few tears spill from her eyes as the lonlyness she felt increased. She loved her brother, and she would miss him. But now, she would try to live everyday like there was no tomarrow, for herself and for Scott.*

*A smile spreads across Jamie's fast her eyes glossy with tears as she leans her back aganst Con. Scott had always been a good friend she could pick on and he could pick back. She was truly going to be missed around the office.*

*As Katie hears her name read off she trys her best to fight her emotions and stay calm as the tears start to form in her eyes again. She didn't undestand why Scott had to die and maybe that was they hardest thing of this all. Not undestanding why.

Kaite's heart acked, burned, it felt almost clawstraphobic in the office with all the people and Katie was having a hard time breathing. She needed to get out, Katie didn't want to be around people anymore.

Standing Katie throws a look at Jason but dosnt relay much more than her sarrow and pain before slipping out of the room and heading across the TJY floor and outside. Going to her car she just sits in the passanger side for a long moment running her hands over the leather of the car. This car had been what started the path to what had been a wonderful relationship with Scott.

Finally pulling out of the parking lot Katie sqeals her tired and starts to make her way across town. Pulling into the small drive way of Scott's house and getting out of the car Katie lets out a long sigh. Going up the front pourch Katie searches for the key and unlockes the door steping in.

Being greeted by Domino as she wiggled all over Katie bends down and pats the small dog on the head trying to talk through her unexspected tears again.*

"Hey Girl...."

*Standing again Katie walks and heads down the hall. Scott's voice echoing in her ears as she remembers the good times, the laughs, and the romantic times. Getting to Scott's bedroom Katie opens the door and steps in. Closing her eyes and almost being able to feel Scott and smell him. Going to the closet Katie pulls out one of his sweatshirt. Holding it close for a moment she pulls it over her head. She felt close to Scott now. Sinking down on his bed Katie pulls her feet up and curls up her head on the pillow. The tear no being able to be heald back anymore as Katie's sobs ring out and her tears start to soak the pillow.*

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