

Nate's words are met with silence as his words create a shock at the other end.

"Oh, no..." Hal's words are laced with emotion. "No..."

Theres' another long pause.

"Thanks, Nate. I...I'll...I'll start letting people know for Reese so there are no surprises."

I know it hurts...I know... But be strong, Katie... I know you can.

Jason's arms remain around her in a gentle but strong grip.

You'll always be a hero, Katie, don't pretend you're not. But even heroes can't control everything. There's nothing you could have done...

His hold finally loosens a little when he's confident that Katie won't try to attack anyone again, and his hand slides to her back to rub it. He tries to keep his own tears from his eyes as Katie sobs. Seeing and hearing her cry was heart wrenching.

The chaos continues around them as people come and go. Reese is forced to remain strong as he has to give a report, details to Sheriff Brown, and endure heavy questioning. Time drags on. The team can only wait. Can only become more resentful of this scene... can only wish to leave even more.

The fire is finally gotten under control as more smoke and steam shoots forth. Remnants of a charred building is all that's left of the once-beautiful house. Rescue workers and police are still everywhere. Reese doesn't allow anyone to question his team, not wanting them to have to go through that.

As the time drags on, the sun starts getting low, the air chillier. And finally...finally... it's time to leave.

The team is quiet in the van as Reese slides in behind the steering wheel. He is just quiet, unmoving for a full minute as he stares down at something in his hand. Firefighters had come to him earlier with the recovered object. He lets out a shaky sigh and finally reaches to set the blackened badge on the dashboard. Keeping himself in check, he pulls away, taking the van back to TJY.

At TJY, the atmosphere is quiet and dismal. Soft crying can be heard. No one wants to work...it seems unreal. Police officers often die in the line of duty...but not here.... and at TJY, it wasn't just a workplace... it was family. And one of their own had been lost. Some TJY members were on the outskirts and not as involved as those on the main floor. They would be able to move on more easily. But for those who interacted with each other every day...they were the ones with broken hearts.

The van makes it back to TJY, only to enter with downcast eyes. Their accomplishment of a case solved seemed trivial...not worth a smile.

They are greeted by others who need not say any words. It was hard to lose a friend...even harder to have been there to see it.

Hugs are given.... tears are not hid.

As the team walks across the main floor, eyes can't help but drift to the hallway where the offices were. This whole thing was like a nightmare. It was unreal.

Reese breaks off from the team and heads toward the hall. He remembered Scott's last words and would go look for what it was he was supposed to see.

The team is numb...no one wants to work... and no one is asked to. Suddenly a large shadow comes up from behind. Jason turns his head and almosto has to look up. His eyes meet with his friend for a sorrowful exchange without words.

Con joins the group. He'd been called by Laura. Seeing Katie, he reaches out to her and pulls her into a hug that envelopes her. "Hey, Kat," he whispers. "It's gonna be okay."

Reese walks back onto the main floor, his eyes reddened slightly, though he holds his composure. Looking around, he sees that eyes are on him, and he doesn’t have to get everyone’s attention.

“Hey, guys, um… can everybody come down to Scott’s office for a minute? There was, um…a note… about a disc he’s got and…he wanted everyone there.”

Most are quick to follow. Though not everyone was there, the main crew was, and followed Reese to huddle in and around Scott’s office.

Reese sits down behind Scott’s desk, leaning down to retrieve a disc out of the small safe to view on the computer. As the disc is inserted, it automatically starts a program, bringing up several files and documentations. A message pops up first though, forcing the user to read before proceeding.

Reese’s eyes scan the words, emotions filling his eyes. He swallows hard, seeing the others in the room. “There’s um…there’s a message here…to several of us…”

He clears his throat and composes himself before he starts to read aloud…

If you're reading this, then I guess I bit the dust. I know - corny line. Maybe I was lucky enough to have died in my sleep, but if I died in the line of duty, which would be interesting since I sit behind a desk all day, I'm sure you guys took down whoever we were after. Don’t ask why this message is here… I guess I just felt like writing it one day.

Reese pauses a moment, feeling the responsibility weighing on his shoulders for taking Scott away from the desk. He proceeds.

I've got files here...and lots of 'em. I'm hoping that whoever is reading this has the clearance to do so. But before I tell you my passwords, give me just a moment to get sappy here. If a guy can't do it during his lifetime, surely he can do it after he's six feet under.

A short chuckle is heard from someone in the room. Reese struggles to go on, seeing his name first.

Reese - you were always a great boss, even when you were annoying. Thanks for helping me find my way and taking me on when no one else would. And before you go blaming Susanne any more for that quirky beep your computer does when you “accidentally” swear - it was me. And by the way, my house is paid for. It goes to TJY.

Several people can’t help but laugh a little at the humor laced in amongst the words, though all remain attentive as they listen, tears still glistening.

Susanne - there's a button on your printer that turns the power off. Use often. Use wisely. May your next technical supervisor's hands be ink-free.

Laura - marry the man already. And next time your computer crashes, instead of wailing, try asking nicely...computers are sensitive that way.

Nate - read Laura's first... got it? Okay. Now get out there and kick some bad guy's butt. I know you want to.

Laura’s face reddens and she looks down, an embarrassed smile on her lips.

Con - I know you're not around here anymore, but I gotta say - you're one big dude with one big heart. You put up with a lot while you were in the office...thanks.

Rick - don't quit. You've saved lives, man. Keep it up.

Ty - dumpster man! Hang tight and don't give up.

Hal - careful...I might have left some moldy cheese in my garbage. Clothespins for your nose not included.”

More chuckles interrupt the speech.

“Misty - thanks for all you've done. Your future is bright. Don't let Rick boss you around too much... you're teaching him as much as you're learning.

Sapphire - sis...I know we didn't get along all that great, but you know I loved ya. Keep that chin up and make yourself known around here. Get out of your box...trust me, it's worth it. Tell mom and dad I loved them… one last effort to bury the hatchet.

Jason - we've had our differences...boy have we ever. But ever since you got here, I envied you. Your talents...the way people respected you even when you were just a cocky high schooler. You've just got "it" and there's no two ways about it. I may have had a couple years on you, but it didn't matter. Just don't let that talent of yours go to waste. Use it...for good… you know how. And Jason...since I never could get through while I was there, let me say it now - start believing in God. I've seen Him now, and He's real. Don't wait too long. I want to see you again.”

Jason leans back against the wall, his hands hooked in his pockets as his eyes focus on nothing and no one. Scott’s words struck deeply…deeply enough that for now he set the emotional strain aside to deal with later when he was not in the presence of others.

“Wyatt - hey, boss' kid. Yeah, you. Don't let your dad get to you, and stop worrying about what others are thinking about you. You're fine. You're good. You're going to make a great leader.

Jamie - take care of that tank of yours, you hear? Be careful out there and don't neglect that smile of yours. Thanks for the friendship. It meant a lot even if all I did was tease.

Katie - I didn't leave you last on the list because you were last in my book. Maybe I just didn't know what to say because there were too many things to choose from. Love. Laugh. Live. You deserve it. Fly, Katie... stretch those God-given wings of yours and don't let anyone hold you back. You're unstoppable and you know it. Never give up. Never say die. Dry those tears. I'll see you soon. (And if Jason misbehaves, slap him once upside the head for me 'cause you're the only one he won't hit back.) Love ya, Alice. Take care of Domino for me.”

Jason finally glances over to Katie, searching her eyes, feeling emotional stress. He was right…

“Alright...now that that's over... (you gals can quit crying now...I mean it...stop it...I've never felt better here).... the following documentation contains all the stuff Reese would want, or the next tech guy that'll be filling my shoes. Usernames, passwords, stuff I shouldn't even have...”

Reese’s voice trails off and for several moments, there is just silence until he manages to speak again. “The rest is all files that I’ll need to go through…things someone else needs to know to keep things running around here.”

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