
Fists of Destruction

*Jason mentil pleading goes unheard, Katie's heart and emotions feeling as though they theyselfs were going to explode. Her mind racing she couldn't give up...she had to save him.

As Katie gets closer and the heat from the fire starts to sting her face she only slows a little. Feeling jolted back by Jason and finally sencing his emotional message and feeling his arms wrap around her. Katie didnt want his comfort She needed to get to Scott.*

"Let me go J...I have to go. Let me go its not to late."

*Katie struggles and pounds her fists on Jason's back. She had to....she had to help him, but fainally as Jason continues to talk to her and prompt her to calm down the cold hard truth hits Katie, and the relization of what just happend sinks in. Her tears continue to flow as she sinks into Jason's arms and she starts to shake.*

"No...J...he...he can't be dead....please...why..."

"Slowly Katie lifts her head as she hears Reese and another man talking. She could only guess that he was the one from the F.B.I.

Her tears still flowly Katie continues to strain to listen the her emotions movies a million miles a minute. This was there fault, Scott was dead because of them.

In an instint Katie fear, and painic, hurt and pain turns to pure anger and hatread. Something not offten felt by her. Pushing away from Jason Katie stops and looks at him. Weather it was the reflection of the flames from the house or her emotions fire could be seen in her eyes. Moving past him Katie stalks the other way to where Reese and the other were standing. Her fists balled with a destructive purpis.

Standing next to Reese for a moment looking at the other man Katie's anger and hate increases ten fold. Reaching out in one swift motion Katie grabs the man by the shirt her voice laced with the anger, hatread and pain she felt as she hissed.*

"This is your fault. YOU did this."

*Bringing her other hand around Katie knocks the man in the jaw sending him stumbaling backwards. Again Katie lands another punch this time causing the man to fall to the ground with a thud. Not waisting a moment Katie is on top of the man both her fists marking there distruction as her own knucked start to crack and bleed.*


*Katie continues to let her tear pour as she beat on the helpless man, her emotions clouding her mind as she felt so alone. Images of Scott flashing through her mind. Scott's smile, his voice, his words and his dreams. The love in his eyes, and the comfort in his voice. Katie's tears proved how much she was huring.*

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