

Scott and Jason exchange looks, their eyes locking for a moment after Katie's statement about a hug. Jason's mind raced. Scott's mind raced. Neither knew how to act, and both felt awkward while forcing their faces to show calmness and amusement.

Jason twists around and throws Katie a smirk. "You're not playing fair, you know that? What are you trying to do? Make me jealous?" He reaches over and pulls Katie into a warm hug before pulling away with a departing kiss to her forehead.

Jen grins at them and shakes her head. She felt badly for these two men, but was glad to see that they both could overcome this temporary awkwardness so as not to make Katie feel too strangely. "She's not playing fair alright, but she definitely knows how to get the attention."

"Aw, are you feeling left out?" Jason teases.

"Yes." Jen giggles. "But I'll wait to get my own hug and kiss from Mike, thank you very much."

Scott meanders closer to the bed, chuckling a little. He looks down at Katie for several moments, wanting to talk to her...wanting to just chat with her if nothing else. Yet as far as she remembered, they'd never just sat and talked...as far as she remembered, they'd only waved to each other at work and that was as far as anything had ever gone. What on earth could he possibly say now?

Jen sees Scott standing nearby and looks between him and Katie for a moment. "So...Scott, how's TJY?"

Grateful for Jen's intervention, he gives a little shrug. "It's alright. Not the same without Katie around though. Things are a bit crazy at the moment."

Jason quirks an eyebrow. "Hey, did you tell Katie you got your own office now?"

"Oh yeah..." A grin finally surfaces on Scott's face. "I do have an office now."

"He did that so less people can bother him." Jason stifles a laugh as Scott swats his arm.

"Thanks a lot."

Jason's eyes widen as he suddenly remembers something. "Ohhh hey..." He looks to Katie again. "Something new you should probably know about. We, um...well, Reese had some dealings with a local sheriff...the one that got me into JetStream, actually, and TJY doesn't have to be underground anymore. We're free to be out in the open, and we're actually transitioning into an official branch of law enforcement right now."

Trying to help the conversation along, Jen speaks as well. "Isn't that great, Katie? You can actually be the bodyguard at JetStream now and be even more official."

Suddenly a figure appears in the doorway, taking up the entire space. Con eyes the people in the room, a smile spreading. "If I woulda known there was a party going on, I woulda waited until later to come."

"Oh stop it," Jen chides with a laugh. "The more the merrier. We were just telling Katie about TJY being public now."

"Ah, yes." Con steps into the room and goes around to the other side of Katie's bed, swinging a chair up close to sit down near her. "Lots happening, but not enough with you involved." He gives her a wink. "How's the trooper holding up, hmm? You look good. People keep asking about you, and I keep telling them that you just got in the habit of snubbing people."

Jason throws him a look. "Con!"

"What?" Con laughs and pats Katie's shoulder. "You know I wouldn't do that to my little sister."

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